
您现在的位置是:虫虫下载站 > 资源下载 > 并行计算 > it contains many classic Test Problems for Unconstrained Optimization such as camel6,treccani,goldst

it contains many classic Test Problems for Unconstrained Optimization such as camel6,treccani,goldst

资 源 简 介

it contains many classic Test Problems for Unconstrained Optimization such as camel6,treccani,goldstein,branin, shubert1,Ackley,dejong,dejong1,dejong2, dpower,rastrigin,Griewangk,Schwefel, rosenbrock2 and step. the package have the contour and mesh figures of these problem. it also give m files of these problems,and you can easily get your view of figures.

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