

  • 一款用JAVA制作开发的小型聊天软件

    一款用JAVA制作开发的小型聊天软件,里面附有安装程序和JAVA源代码。 Visual Chat 1.91 Developer Edition - Customize the Visual Chat code regarding your own requirements - Use customchatdev.html for developing / testing - Create .jar and .cab-files containing client-specific .class-files and the images-folder (use zip and cabarc compressing tools) - Adapt the customchat.html file - Upload all the files to your webserver - Start the ChatServer by invoking java at.ac.uni_linz.tk.vchat.ChatServer [port [server-key]] from your commandline - I kindly ask you to leave copyright and credit information in the InfoPanel.class as it is - but you are invited to add your own text. In case of violations I will consider excluding this class from the source in the future.

    标签: JAVA 软件

    上传时间: 2014-09-05


  • Samsung S3C24xx SD/MMC 驱动 This a MMC/SD driver for the Samsung S3C24xx SD/MMC controller, originall

    Samsung S3C24xx SD/MMC 驱动 This a MMC/SD driver for the Samsung S3C24xx SD/MMC controller, originally developed years ago by Thomas Kleffel <tk@maintech.de>. Due to time constraints, he had no time to further maintain the driver and follow the mainline Linux changes in the SD/MMC stack.

    标签: Samsung MMC controller C24

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • T-kernel 的extension源代码

    T-kernel 的extension源代码,是日本最著名的T-kernel所独有的,适合开发T-kernel的朋友们使用! tk/SE is the program that extends T-Kernel and provides the functions such as a file system and a process management. The tk/SE archive to be provided is comprised of the main portion and the 2 extended file system portions, and tk/SE object is built by adding these to T-Kernel source. a) tkernel_se_1.00.00.tar.gz Main source of T-Kernel/SE b) extfs_fatfs_1.00.00.tar.gz Difference source of T-Kernel/SE extended file system (FAT) c) extfs_cdrom_1.00.00.tar.gz Difference source of T-Kernel/SE extended file system (CD-ROM)

    标签: extension T-kernel 源代码

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • N位同学站成一排

    N位同学站成一排,音乐老师要请其中的(N-K)位同学出列,使得剩下的K位同学排成合唱队形。 合唱队形是指这样的一种队形:设K位同学从左到右依次编号为1,2…,K,他们的身高分别为T1,T2,…,tk, 则他们的身高满足T1 < T2 < ...< Ti > Ti+1 > … > tk (1 <= i <= K)。 你的任务是,已知所有N位同学的身高,计算最少需要几位同学出列,可以使得剩下的同学排成合唱队形。 Input 输入包含若干个测试用例。 对于每个测试用例,输入第一行是一个整数N(2<=N<=100),表示同学的总数。第二行有N个整数,用空格分隔,第i个整数Ti(130<=Ti<=230)是第i位同学的身高(厘米)。当输入同学总数N为0时表示输入结束。 Output 对于每个测试案例,输出包括一行,这一行只包含一个整数,就是最少需要几位同学出列。 Sample Input 8 186 186 150 200 160 130 197 220 3 150 130 140 0 Sample Output 4 1


    上传时间: 2016-12-06


  • isual Chat 1.91 Developer Edition - Customize the Visual Chat code regarding your own requirement

    isual Chat 1.91 Developer Edition - Customize the Visual Chat code regarding your own requirements - Use customchatdev.html for developing / testing - Create .jar and .cab-files containing client-specific .class-files and the images-folder (use zip and cabarc compressing tools) - Adapt the customchat.html file - Upload all the files to your webserver - Start the ChatServer by invoking java at.ac.uni_linz.tk.vchat.ChatServer [port [server-key]] from your commandline - I kindly ask you to leave copyright and credit information in the InfoPanel.class as it is - but you are invited to add your own text. In case of violations I will consider excluding this class from the source in the future.

    标签: Chat requirement Developer Customize

    上传时间: 2017-01-27


  • New to Python? This is the developer s guide to Python development! q Learn the core features of Pyt

    New to Python? This is the developer s guide to Python development! q Learn the core features of Python as well as advanced topics such as regular expressions, multithreaded programming, Web/Internet and network development, GUI development with tk(inter) and more

    标签: Python development developer the

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • 3.缺少文件 4.所选类别和开发环境不对 5.乱写说明或说明不够认真 6.压缩文件有密码 7.源码重复或已经存在 请不要上传有版权争议的内容和木马病毒代码 开发环境: 请选择 V

    3.缺少文件 4.所选类别和开发环境不对 5.乱写说明或说明不够认真 6.压缩文件有密码 7.源码重复或已经存在 请不要上传有版权争议的内容和木马病毒代码 开发环境: 请选择 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ Others MultiPlatform C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBScript JavaScript ASP CSharp CHM FlashMX matlab PowerBuilder PPT LabView Flex MathCAD VBA PalmOS IDL LISP VHDL Objective-C Fortran tcl/tk QT(重要) 功能描述: 请认真阅读您的文件包然后写出

    标签: 开发环境 密码 代码 源码

    上传时间: 2017-08-18


  • Tcl_and_The_tk_Toolkit

    This manuscript is a partial draft of a book to be published in early 1994 by AddisonWesley (ISBN 0-201-63337-X). Addison-Wesley has given me permission to make drafts of the book available to the Tcl community to help meet the need for introductory documentation on Tcl and tk until the book becomes available. Please observe the restrictions set forth in the copyright notice above: you’re welcome to make a copy for yourself or a friend but any sort of large-scale reproduction or reproduction for profit requires advance permission from Addison-Wesley

    标签: Toolkit

    上传时间: 2020-07-05


  • 基于MCU的智能漏水检测系统设计

    1.1项目背景近年来,随着自动化技术及人们生活水平的提高,智能家居的概念被越来越多的人所接受。所谓智能家居,是以住宅为平台,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、安全防范技术、白动控制技术、音视频技术将家居生活有关的设施集成,构建高效的住宅设施与家庭口程事务的管理系统提升家居安全性、便利性、舒适性、艺术性并实现环保节能的居住环境。在智能家居系统中,智能防漏水系统是在家居安全里具有十分重要的作用。通常由于一时疏忽,如停水时忘关水龙头、下水不通畅、管道破损等意外原因所造成家居漏水,很多情况下事态严重,不仅是自家受损失,同一栋楼里的人也会同样受害。因此设计了一种家居智能防水系统,能自动检测选定区域的意外漏水,通过电磁阀及时切断水管,并伴随声光报警,提示出现的浸水事件,减少漏水状况的恶化,能有效地防止各种损失进一步扩大。1.2项目概述智能家居是利用先进的计算机技术、网络通讯技术、综合布线技术、依照人体工程学原理,融合个性需求,将与家居生活有关的各个子系统如安防、灯光控制、窗帘控制、煤气阀控制、信息家电、场景联动、地板采暖等有机地结合在一起,通过网络化综合智能控制和管理,实现以人为本"的全新家居生活体验。家居智能防水系统在这是采用MCU的智能漏水检测系统设计。在该项目开发过程中要注意下面几个问题:第一,要对各模块电路理解与运用;第二,理论知识与实践相结合:第三,合理的布局把各部件组装好:第四,把需要的软件tk Studio进行调试控制好!

    标签: 智能漏水检测系统 mcu

    上传时间: 2022-06-22




    标签: Matlab 编程

    上传时间: 2013-05-15
