

  • JAVA网络编程 第4版源码

    《Java网络编程(第四版)》实用指南全面介绍了如何使用Java开发网络程序。你将学习如何使用Java的网络类库既快速又轻松地完成常见的网络编程任务,如编写多线程服务器、加密通信、广播到本地网络,以及向服务器端程序提交数据。作者提供了真正可实用的程序来讲解他介绍的方法和类。第4版经过全面修订,已经涵盖rest、SPDY、异步I/O和很多其他高级技术。本书主要内容有:研究Internet底层协议,如TCP/IP和UDP/IP;了解Java的核心I/O API如何处理网络输入和输出;发现InetAddress类如何帮助Java程序与DNS交互;用Java的URI和URL类定位、识别和下载网络资源;深入研究HTTP协议,包括rest、HTTP首部和cookie;使用Java的底层Socket类编写服务器和网络客户端;利用非阻塞I/O同时管理多个连接

    标签: JAVA 网络编程 源码

    上传时间: 2018-12-24


  • JAVA网络编程 第4版

    《Java网络编程(第四版)》实用指南全面介绍了如何使用Java开发网络程序。你将学习如何使用Java的网络类库既快速又轻松地完成常见的网络编程任务,如编写多线程服务器、加密通信、广播到本地网络,以及向服务器端程序提交数据。作者提供了真正可实用的程序来讲解他介绍的方法和类。第4版经过全面修订,已经涵盖rest、SPDY、异步I/O和很多其他高级技术。本书主要内容有:研究Internet底层协议,如TCP/IP和UDP/IP;了解Java的核心I/O API如何处理网络输入和输出;发现InetAddress类如何帮助Java程序与DNS交互;用Java的URI和URL类定位、识别和下载网络资源;深入研究HTTP协议,包括rest、HTTP首部和cookie;使用Java的底层Socket类编写服务器和网络客户端;利用非阻塞I/O同时管理多个连接

    标签: JAVA 网络编程

    上传时间: 2018-12-24


  • restful+Rails+Development+Building

    This book is focused on designing and developing Representational State Transfer (rest) platforms in Rails. rest is the architectural style of the Web, consisting of a set of constraints that, applied to components, connectors, and data elements, constitute the wider distributed hypermedia system that we know today: the World Wide Web. There are a few good reasons why it makes more sense to build platforms instead of just products or applications. Platforms are like ecosystems interconnecting different applications, services, users, developers, and partners. Platforms foster innovation through the inputs of their direct collaborators. By providing application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs), platforms are more customer driven.

    标签: Development Building restful Rails

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • The RF in RFID

    To a quantum mechanic the whole universe is one godawful big interacting wavefunction ? but to the rest of us, it’s a world full of separate and distinguishable objects that hurt us when we kick them. At a few months of age, human children recognize objects, expect them to be permanent and move continuously, and display surprise when they aren’t or don’t. We associate visual, tactile, and in some cases audible and olfactory sensations with identifiable physical things. We’re hardwired to understand our environment as being composed of separable things with specific properties and locations. We understand the world in terms of what was where when.

    标签: RFID The RF in

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Introduction to Dynamical Systems_Rainer Klages

    There exist two essentially different approaches to the study of dynamical systems, based on the following distinction: time-continuous nonlinear differential equations ⇋ time-discrete maps One approach starts from time-continuous differential equations and leads to time-discrete maps, which are obtained from them by a suitable discretization of time. This path is pursued, e.g., in the book by Strogatz [Str94]. 1 The other approach starts from the study of time-discrete maps and then gradually builds up to time-continuous differential equations, see, e.g., [Ott93, All97, Dev89, Has03, Rob95]. After a short motivation in terms of nonlinear differential equations, for the rest of this course we shall follow the latter route to dynamical systems theory. This allows a generally more simple way of introducing the important concepts, which can usually be carried over to a more complex and physically realistic context.

    标签: Systems_Rainer Introduction Dynamical Klages to

    上传时间: 2020-06-09
