

  • Traveling Salesperson Problem Our branch-and-strategy splits a branch and bound solution into two

    Traveling Salesperson Problem Our branch-and-strategy splits a branch and bound solution into two groups: one group including a particular arc and the other excluding this arc. 1.Each splitting incurs a lower bound and we shall traverse the searching tree with the "lower" lower bound. 2.If a constant subtracted from any row or any column of the cost matrix, an optimal solution does not change.

    标签: branch-and-strategy Salesperson Traveling solution

    上传时间: 2013-12-29


  • Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global P

    Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global Positioning System (GPS) implementation was described by Dennis Akos in 1997. Since then several research groups have presented their contributions.We therefore find it timely to publish an up-to-date text on the subject and at the same time include Galileo, the forthcoming European satellitebased navigation system. Both GPS and Galileo belong to the category of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).

    标签: Software-defined complete Global radios

    上传时间: 2017-06-07


  • C++ is widely used in the software industry. Some of its application domains include systems softwar

    C++ is widely used in the software industry. Some of its application domains include systems software, application software, device drivers, embedded software, high-performance server and client applications, and entertainment software such as video games. Several groups provide both free and proprietary C++ compiler software, including the GNU Project, Microsoft, Intel, Borland and others.

    标签: application industry software domains

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • G UILLAIN-BARRéSYNDROME(GBS)is an uncommon disorder,but one whose impact is far out of proportion

    G UILLAIN-BARRéSYNDROME(GBS)is an uncommon disorder,but one whose impact is far out of proportion to its incidence.Despite a usually good prognosis,GBS is a particularly frightening and often life- altering experience for those diagnosed with the disorder.Many patients are acutely aware of the rapid loss of control of their muscular function, including vital functions such as breathing and swallowing,and fre- quently feel that they are dying.The experience is almost as unnerving for the families of affected individuals.During the acute phase of the ill- ness GBS patients experience the indignity of helplessness in addition to their fear of death or permanent disability.Prolonged disability is com- mon and some permanent residual effects are becoming increasingly recognized.It has been our experience in meeting patients at support groups,that individuals who have been affected by GBS have a great desire for a better understanding of the disorder,even years after the acute experience.

    标签: UILLAIN-BARR proportion SYNDROME disorder

    上传时间: 2017-07-11


  • Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global P

    Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global Positioning System (GPS) implementation was described by Dennis Akos in 1997. Since then several research groups have presented their contributions.We therefore find it timely to publish an up-to-date text on the subject and at the same time include Galileo, the forthcoming European satellitebased navigation system. Both GPS and Galileo belong to the category of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)

    标签: Software-defined complete Global radios

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • samba服务器实验指导

    第一节、samba是干什么的?它有什么用? Samba(SMB是其缩写) 是一个网络服务器,它是Linux作为本地服务器最重要的一个服务,用于Linux和Windows共享文件之用;Samba可以用于Windows和 Linux之间的共享文件,也一样用于Linux和Linux之间的共享文件;不过对于Linux和Linux之间共享文件有更好的网络文件系统 NFS,NFS也是需要架设服务器的; 2、安装及服务操作命令 安装samba程序非常简单,使用rpm -q samba查看当前系统是否已经安装了samba软件。 如果没有那就进入光盘,rpm -ivh *samba*.rpm即可。 仔细说下安装的包: samba-common-3.0.28-0.el5.8    //samba服务器和客户端中的最基本文件 samba-3.0.28-0.el5.8           //samba服务器核心软件包 system-config-samba-1.2.39-1.el5     //samba图形配置界面 samba-client-3.0.28-0.el5.8          //samba客户端软件   启动、暂停和停止服务: /etc/init.d/smb start /etc/init.d/smb stop /etc/init.d/smb restart 或 service smb start service smb stop service smb restart   第二节、由最简单的一个例子说起,匿名用户可读可写的实现 第一步: 更改smb.conf 我们来实现一个最简单的功能,让所有用户可以读写一个Samba 服务器共享的一个文件夹;我们要改动一下smb.conf ;首先您要备份一下smb.conf文件; [root@localhost ~]# cd /etc/samba [root@localhost samba]# cp smb.conf smb.conf.bak [root@localhost samba]# vi smb.conf 或geidt smb.conf & 然后我们把下面这段写入smb.conf中:   [global] workgroup = WORKGROUP netbios name = Liukai server string = Liukai's Samba Server security = share [test]         path = /opt/test         writeable = yes         browseable = yes         guest ok = yes 注解: [global]这段是全局配置,是必段写的。其中有如下的几行; workgroup 就是Windows中显示的工作组;在这里我设置的是WORKGROUP (用大写); netbios name 就是在Windows中显示出来的计算机名; server string 就是Samba服务器说明,可以自己来定义;这个不是什么重要的; security 这是验证和登录方式,这里我们用了share ;验证方式有好多种,这是其中一种;另外一种常用的是user的验证方式;如果用share呢,就是不用设置用户和密码了; [test] 这个在Windows中显示出来是共享的目录; path = 可以设置要共享的目录放在哪里; writeable 是否可写,这里我设置为可写; browseable 是否可以浏览,可以;可以浏览意味着,我们在工作组下能看到共享文件夹。如果您不想显示出来,那就设置为 browseable=no,guest ok 匿名用户以guest身份是登录; 第二步:建立相应目录并授权 [root@localhost ~]# mkdir -p /opt/test [root@localhost ~]# id nobody uid=99(nobody) gid=99(nobody) groups=99(nobody) [root@localhost ~]# chown -R nobody:nobody /opt/test 注释:关于授权nobody,我们先用id命令查看了nobody用户的信息,发现他的用户组也是nobody,我们要以这个为准。有些系统nobody用户组并非是nobody ; 第三步:启动服务器 第四步:访问Samba 服务器的共享; 1、在Linux 中您可以用下面的命令来访问; [root@localhost ~]# smbclient -L //liukai或 smbclient // Password: 注:直接按回车 2、在Windows中,您可以用下面的办法来访问; \\liukai  或  \\ 3、说明:如果用了netbiosname,就可以用“\\主机名”来访问,如果没用netbiosname,就不能用主机名访问。   第三节、简单的密码验证服务器 修改smb.conf文件: security = user guest account = liukai encrypt passwords = yes smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd 然后,建立一个新用户 useradd liukai passwd liukai 成功后,cat /etc/passwd | mksmbpasswd.sh > /etc/samba/smbpasswd smbpasswd -a liukai 这就成功地添加了一个smb用户。 重启服务,使用这个用户进行登录即可。    

    标签: samba 嵌入式

    上传时间: 2015-05-13


  • Cellular+Technologies+for+Emerging+Markets

    Emergingmarketshaveseenanunprecedentedgrowthinthelastfewyears.Theoperatorfocus has been on giving complete coverage to all regions (urban to rural) and to subscription to all – people from the highest to the lowest income groups. When the idea is taking coverage for the remotest of the regions and getting the ‘unconnected–connected’, technology and business modelling are two important focus areas. 

    标签: Technologies Cellular Emerging Markets for

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Wireless+World+Research+Forum

    Welcome to the third volume of the book entitled Technologies for the Wireless Future, which is produced by WWRF. The idea is to take the most important outputs from the working groups and special-interest groups that compose the Forum and bring them together in a series of one-volume surveys. The latest of these will give the reader a good overview of the WWRF approach to analyzing the future of wireless and mobile communications, as well as an insight into the trends themselves and the key technologies that will be deployed.

    标签: Wireless Research Forum World

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Risk-Based+Maintenance+for+Electricity+Network

    This book is based on a Ph.D. research that has been conducted at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in collaboration with Dutch Electricity & Gas Distribution Network Operator, Stedin. This book was written as a result of wider interest that was shown by different industry groups on this topic after its public defence. This inspired the author to modify and publish a practical version of the research for a greater international audience. Therefore, the content of this book is intended for a double audience, on the one hand for those interested in the organisational and management aspects of maintenance. 

    标签: Maintenance Electricity Risk-Based Network for

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • A_Software-Defined_GPS_and_Galileo_Receiver

    Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global Positioning System (GPS) implementation was described by Dennis Akos in 1997. Since then several research groups have presented their contributions. We therefore find it timely to publish an up-to-date text on the sub- ject and at the same time include Galileo, the forthcoming European satellite- based navigation system. Both GPS and Galileo belong to the category of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).

    标签: A_Software-Defined_GPS_and_Galile o_Receiver

    上传时间: 2020-06-09
