

  • 1. 最早截止时间优先EDF(earliest DeadlineFirst)算法是非常著名的实时调度算法之一。在每一个新的就绪状态

    1. 最早截止时间优先EDF(earliest DeadlineFirst)算法是非常著名的实时调度算法之一。在每一个新的就绪状态,调度器都是从那些已就绪但还没有完全处理完毕的任务中选择最早截止时间的任务,并将执行该任务所需的资源分配给它。在有新任务到来时,调度器必须立即计算EDF,排出新的定序,即正在运行的任务被剥夺,并且按照新任务的截止时间决定是否调度该新任务。如果新任务的最后期限早于被中断的当前任务,就立即处理新任务。按照EDF算法,被中断任务的处理将在稍后继续进行。

    标签: DeadlineFirst earliest EDF 算法

    上传时间: 2016-08-08


  • A small java game, the player needs to guess a number from 1 to 100 in the earliest times.

    A small java game, the player needs to guess a number from 1 to 100 in the earliest times.

    标签: the earliest player number

    上传时间: 2017-02-15


  • Problem Statement You are given a string input. You are to find the longest substring of input su

    Problem Statement You are given a string input. You are to find the longest substring of input such that the reversal of the substring is also a substring of input. In case of a tie, return the string that occurs earliest in input. Definition Class: ReverseSubstring Method: findReversed Parameters: string Returns: string Method signature: string findReversed(string input) (be sure your method is public) Notes The substring and its reversal may overlap partially or completely. The entire original string is itself a valid substring (see example 4). Constraints input will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive. Each character of input will be an uppercase letter ( A - Z ). Examples 0) "XBCDEFYWFEDCBZ" Returns: "BCDEF" We see that the reverse of BCDEF is FEDCB, which appears later in the string. 1)

    标签: input Statement You are

    上传时间: 2015-09-20
