

  • 开关磁阻电机调速系统的主要研究 “开关磁阻电机(Switched reluctance motor简称SR电动机)”一词源见于美国学者S.A.Nasar1969年所撰论文

    开关磁阻电机调速系统的主要研究 “开关磁阻电机(Switched reluctance motor简称SR电动机)”一词源见于美国学者S.A.Nasar1969年所撰论文,它描述了这种电机的两个基本特征:1开关性——电机必须工作在一种连续的开关模式,这是为什么在各种新型半导体器件获得后才得以发展得主要原因;2磁阻性——它是真正的磁阻电机,定、转子具有可变磁阻回路。

    标签: reluctance Switched Nasar motor

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • Application Note Abstract The unique configuration of the PSoC® Switched capacitor blocks allows

    Application Note Abstract The unique configuration of the PSoC® Switched capacitor blocks allows construction of a programmable bipolar current source. A detailed explanation of this function is provided demonstrating how to build a programmable current source using a couple basic PSoC User Modules.

    标签: configuration Application capacitor Abstract

    上传时间: 2013-12-29


  • Procedures for document facsimile transmission in the general Switched telephone network

    Procedures for document facsimile transmission in the general Switched telephone network

    标签: transmission Procedures facsimile telephone

    上传时间: 2017-02-14


  • two pole voltage Switched PWM voltage control circuit in matlab&simulink

    two pole voltage Switched PWM voltage control circuit in matlab&simulink

    标签: voltage Switched simulink control

    上传时间: 2017-07-22


  • Because WDM networks are circuit Switched loss networks blocking may occur because of lack of resour

    Because WDM networks are circuit Switched loss networks blocking may occur because of lack of resources. Also in circuit Switched networks many paths use the same links. This toolbox answers the question how different paths with different loads influence on each other and what is the blocking on each of the defined path. Toolbox is capable of computing blocking for three different WDM network types: with no wavelength conversion, with full wavelength conversion and with limited range wavelength conversion. It is worth noting that case for full conversion can be usefull for any circuit Switched network without additional constraints (i.e. wavelength continuity constraint in WDM), for example telephone network. Toolbox contains also scripts for defining network structures (random networks, user defined networks) and traffic matrixes. Three graph algorithms for shortest path computation are also in this toolbox (they are used for traffic matrix creation).

    标签: networks blocking Switched Because

    上传时间: 2017-07-27


  • all pdf,it say about an thyristor control reactor and thyristor Switched capacitor

    all pdf,it say about an thyristor control reactor and thyristor Switched capacitor

    标签: thyristor capacitor Switched control

    上传时间: 2017-09-14


  • Transition-Time Optimization for Switched-Mode Dynamical Systems

    Transition-Time Optimization for Switched-Mode Dynamical Systems

    标签: Transition-Time Switched-Mode Optimization Dynamical

    上传时间: 2017-09-28


  • 模拟cmos集成电路设计(design of analog

    模拟集成电路的设计与其说是一门技术,还不如说是一门艺术。它比数字集成电路设计需要更严格的分析和更丰富的直觉。严谨坚实的理论无疑是严格分析能力的基石,而设计者的实践经验无疑是诞生丰富直觉的源泉。这也正足初学者对学习模拟集成电路设计感到困惑并难以驾驭的根本原因。.美国加州大学洛杉机分校(UCLA)Razavi教授凭借着他在美国多所著名大学执教多年的丰富教学经验和在世界知名顶级公司(AT&T,Bell Lab,HP)卓著的研究经历为我们提供了这本优秀的教材。本书自2000午出版以来得到了国内外读者的好评和青睐,被许多国际知名大学选为教科书。同时,由于原著者在世界知名顶级公司的丰富研究经历,使本书也非常适合作为CMOS模拟集成电路设计或相关领域的研究人员和工程技术人员的参考书。... 本书介绍模拟CMOS集成电路的分析与设计。从直观和严密的角度阐述了各种模拟电路的基本原理和概念,同时还阐述了在SOC中模拟电路设计遇到的新问题及电路技术的新发展。本书由浅入深,理论与实际结合,提供了大量现代工业中的设计实例。全书共18章。前10章介绍各种基本模块和运放及其频率响应和噪声。第11章至第13章介绍带隙基准、开关电容电路以及电路的非线性和失配的影响,第14、15章介绍振荡器和锁相环。第16章至18章介绍MOS器件的高阶效应及其模型、CMOS制造工艺和混合信号电路的版图与封装。 1 Introduction to Analog Design 2 Basic MOS Device Physics 3 Single-Stage Amplifiers 4 Differential Amplifiers 5 Passive and Active Current Mirrors 6 Frequency Response of Amplifiers 7 Noise 8 Feedback 9 Operational Amplifiers 10 Stability and Frequency Compensation 11 Bandgap References 12 Introduction to Switched-Capacitor Circuits 13 Nonlinearity and Mismatch 14 Oscillators 15 Phase-Locked Loops 16 Short-Channel Effects and Device Models 17 CMOS Processing Technology 18 Layout and Packaging

    标签: analog design cmos of

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 基于单片机的开关磁阻电机驱动系统设计

    该文介绍了开关磁阻电机的基本原理,设计了一种用80C196 单片机实现的开关磁阻电机驱动系统,并对该开关磁阻电机调速系统的性能进行了实验与测试,实验证明该系统运行可靠。开关磁阻电动机是磁阻电动机与电子开关驱动控制器组成的控制装置,又称开关磁阻电机驱动系统(Switched Reluctance Motor drive,简称SRD)。电机结构简单坚固,运行可靠,系统具有启动转矩高、启动电流低、调速范围宽、运行效率高,特别适用于频繁启停及正反转运行,使得SRD 成为交,直流电机驱动系统以及无刷直流电机驱动系统的强有力竞争者。目前,SRD 已用于多个领域,如:电动车驱动、家用电器、伺服与调速系统等许多领域。本文设计了一个以 80C196 单片机为控制核心的SRD 的控制系统,充分利用了SRD 电机控制方式灵活的特点,采用数字化控制系统对SR 电机进行控制,简化了硬件电路,提高了系统的可靠性。

    标签: 单片机 开关磁阻 电机驱动 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • EDGE信道分配原则

      Contents   1 Introduction 1   2 Glosary 1   2.1 Concepts 1   2.2 Abbreviations and acronyms 4   3 Capabilities 6   4 Technical Description 6   4.1 General 6   4.2 Service oriented Allocation of Resources on the Abis   interface (SARA) 8   4.3 Configuration of dedicated PDCHs in Packet Switched   Domain (PSD) 10   4.4 Handling of Packet Data traffic 15   4.5 Channel selection in Cicuit Switched Domain (CSD) 19   4.6 Return of PDCHs to Cicuit Switched Domain (CSD) 22   4.7 Main changes in Ericsson GSM system R10/BSS R10 24   5 Engineering guidelines 24   6 Parameters 26   6.1 Main controlling parameters 26   6.2 Parameters for special adjustments 26   6.3 Value ranges and default values 28   7 References 29

    标签: EDGE 信道分配

    上传时间: 2013-11-12
