

  • This example program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroll

    This example program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroller: STMicroelectronics ST10F166 After configuring the A/D, the program reads the A/D result and outputs the converted value using the serial port. To run this program... Build the project (Project Menu, Build Target) Start the debugger (Debug Menu, Start/Stop Debug Session) View the Serial Window (View Menu, Serial Window #1) View the A/D converter peripheral (Peripheral Menu, A/D Converter) Run the program (Debug Menu, Go) A debug script (debug.ini) creates buttons that set different analog values in A/D channels. As the program runs, you will see the A/D input and output change. Other buttons create signals that generate sine wave or sawtooth Patterns as analog inputs. µ Vision3 users may enable the built-in Logic Analyzer to view, measure and compare these input signals graphically.

    标签: microcontroll Converter configure following

    上传时间: 2014-11-30


  • 教程将引导你通过多个操作步骤创建一个 Java 应用, 它覆盖了 Together 的基本特性. Together 教程是基于 Java 的, 但程序员还是可以在其他语言下很容易地模仿这些操作步骤.

    教程将引导你通过多个操作步骤创建一个 Java 应用, 它覆盖了 Together 的基本特性. Together 教程是基于 Java 的, 但程序员还是可以在其他语言下很容易地模仿这些操作步骤. (教程只需要很少的 Java 知识.) TogetherControlCenter6入门实践教程 工程和包 需求与用例图(Use Case Diagrams) 业务规则与活动图(Activity Diagrams) 图(Diagrams)与类(Classes) 类(Classes)与关联(Associations) 模板模式(Template Patterns) 使用类模式(Class Patterns)进行代码重构(Refactoring) 时序图(Sequence Diagrams) 文档生成 审查(Audits)与统计(Metrics) (需要 Together ControlCenter) 运行和调试 Java 工程

    标签: Together Java 教程 操作

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • 经典著作《设计模式》中将策略模式定义为:定义一系列的算法

    经典著作《设计模式》中将策略模式定义为:定义一系列的算法,把它们一个个的封装起来,并且使它们可以相互转换。这个定义还是比较抽象,下面我将通过一个例子来具体的讲解策略模式。感觉这样更容易帮助新手理解模式,这也是《Head First Design Patterns》中讲解模式的方法。先来描述一下用到的例子的背景资料:

    标签: 定义 设计模式 策略 模式

    上传时间: 2015-05-29


  • The Hopfield model is a distributed model of an associative memory. Neurons are pixels and can take

    The Hopfield model is a distributed model of an associative memory. Neurons are pixels and can take the values of -1 (off) or +1 (on). The network has stored a certain number of pixel Patterns. During a retrieval phase, the network is started with some initial configuration and the network dynamics evolves towards the stored pattern which is closest to the initial configuration.

    标签: model distributed associative Hopfield

    上传时间: 2015-06-17


  • Wiley Professional Ajax By Nicholas C. Zakas, Jeremy McPeak & Joe Fawcett Professional Ajax provide

    Wiley Professional Ajax By Nicholas C. Zakas, Jeremy McPeak & Joe Fawcett Professional Ajax provides a developer-level tutorial of Ajax techniques, Patterns, and use cases.

    标签: Professional C. Ajax Nicholas

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • Programming C#, the top selling book on Microsoft s high-performance C# programming language, is now

    Programming C#, the top selling book on Microsoft s high-performance C# programming language, is now in its fourth edition. Aimed at experienced programmers and web developers, this comprehensive guide focuses on the features and programming Patterns that are new to C#, and fundamental to the programming of web services and web applications on Microsoft s .NET platform.

    标签: high-performance Programming programming Microsoft

    上传时间: 2015-07-20


  • This book is intended for "hands-on" developers or advanced students interested in understanding the

    This book is intended for "hands-on" developers or advanced students interested in understanding the strategies and tactics of concurrent network programming using C++ and object-oriented design. We describe the key design dimensions, Patterns, and principles needed to develop flexible and efficient concurrent networked applications quickly and easily. Our numerous C++ code examples reinforce the design concepts and illustrate concretely how to use the core classes in ACE right away. We also take you "behind the scenes" to understand how and why the IPC and concurrency mechanisms in the ACE toolkit are designed the way they are. This material will help to enhance your design skills and to apply C++ and Patterns more effectively in your own object-oriented networked applications.

    标签: understanding developers interested advanced

    上传时间: 2015-08-08


  • 本文根据发表在CUJ Expert Forum上的两篇文章编译而成。C/C++ User s Journal是目前最出色的C/C++语言专业杂志

    本文根据发表在CUJ Expert Forum上的两篇文章编译而成。C/C++ User s Journal是目前最出色的C/C++语言专业杂志,特别是在C++ Report闭刊之后,CUJ的地位更加突出。CUJ Expert Forum是CUJ主办的网上技术专栏,汇集2000年10月以来C++社群中顶尖专家的技术短文,并免费公开发布,精彩纷呈,是每一个C/C++学习者不可错过的资料。由Jim Hyslop和Herb Sutter主持的Conversation系列,是CUJ Expert Forum每期必备的精品专栏,以风趣幽默的对话形式讲解C++高级技术,在C++社群内得到广泛赞誉。译者特别挑选两篇设计模式方面的文章,介绍给大家。设计模式方面的经典著作是GoF的Design Patterns。但是那本书有一个缺点,不好懂。从风格上讲,该书与其说是为学习者而写作的教程范本,还不如说是给学术界人士看的学术报告,严谨有余,生动不足。这一点包括该书作者和象Bjarne Stroustrup这样的大师都从不讳言。实际上Design Pattern并非一定是晦涩难懂的,通过生动的例子,一个中等水平的C++学习者完全可以掌握基本用法,在自己的编程实践中使用,得到立竿见影的功效。这两篇文章就是很好的例证。本文翻译在保证技术完整性的前提下作了不少删节和修改,以便使文章显得更紧凑。

    标签: Journal Expert Forum User

    上传时间: 2015-08-10


  • Metalog is a modern replacement for syslogd and klogd. The logged messages can be dispatched accord

    Metalog is a modern replacement for syslogd and klogd. The logged messages can be dispatched according to their facility, urgency, program name and/or Perl-compatible regular expressions. Log files can be automatically rotated when they exceed a certain size or age. External shell scripts (e.g., mail) can be launched when specific Patterns are found. Metalog is easier to configure than syslogd and syslog-ng, accepts unlimited number of rules and has (switchable) memory bufferization for maximal performance.

    标签: replacement dispatched messages Metalog

    上传时间: 2014-01-02


  • 软件开发工程是有趣的、多产的

    软件开发工程是有趣的、多产的,甚至是大胆的。同时,它也能源源不断地带来商业价值,并保持在我们的掌控之下。 极限编程(XP)的构思和发展是针对小型团队进行软件开发时,在面对不确知的、变化的需求时所产生的特定需要的。这一新的、轻量级的方法学对许多传统思维提出了挑战,这其中包括一个一直以来的假设,即在软件开发过程中,对软件进行一个小小的改动就必然会使其开发成本大大增加。极限编程认可软件开发工程应该节约成本,而且一旦实现了某种节约就应该加以开发利用。 你可以喜欢XP,也可以恨它,但是本书将会使你对如何开发软件有一个全新的认识。KentBeck拥有并经营着First Class软件公司,在这里他把主要精力放在两个最大的兴趣上——模式和极限编程。他一直在研究软件开发的先驱模式、CRC卡、HotDraw画图编辑器框架、xUnit单元测试框架以及测试为先的编程。他发表了五十多篇关于编程的文章,并出版了《The Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns》(Prentice-Hall出版社)和《Kent Beck’s Guide to Better Smalltalk:A Sorted Collection》(剑桥大学出版社)两本著作,同时他还是超级畅销书《重构——改善既有代码的设计》(中英文版皆由中国电力出版社出版)的特约撰稿人。

    标签: 软件开发 工程

    上传时间: 2015-10-02
