

  • We both want to thank everyone at Microsoft Press and all the people who reviewed the manuscript for

    We both want to thank everyone at Microsoft Press and all the people who reviewed the manuscript for their kind support throughout this project. Eric Stroo, thanks for your patience as we completed the chapters (not ALWAYS as fast as you wanted them). Sally Stickney and Rebecca McKay, thanks for your excellent job editing the manuscript and making it readable. Sally Stickney and John Pierce, thanks for managing the project. Jim Fuchs at Microsoft Press, Jason Whittington at DevelopMentor, and Rick Watson at RogueWave Software, thanks for doing technical reviews of our manuscript.

    标签: manuscript Microsoft the everyone

    上传时间: 2016-08-28


  • This book is designed to be used for the purpose to describe the structure of an optimizing compiler

    This book is designed to be used for the purpose to describe the structure of an optimizing compiler so that a reader can implement it or a variation (compiler writers ALWAYS modify a design).

    标签: optimizing the structure designed

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • A方向和B方向各设红(R)、黄(Y)、绿(G)和左拐(L)4盏灯

    A方向和B方向各设红(R)、黄(Y)、绿(G)和左拐(L)4盏灯,4种灯按合理的顺序亮灭,并将时间以倒计时的形式显示出来。同时要设置两个方向的紧急通道模式,当某一方向有紧急事件发生时,交警按下紧急通道按钮,该方向绿灯亮,另外一个方向红灯亮,等紧急事件解除后(假定计时10s),交通恢复原来的状态 要求在数码管上显示两个方向的灯种和计时,实现紧急情况按钮输入功能 根据交通灯控制要实现的功能,可考虑用两个并行执行的ALWAYS模块(两个进程)来分别控制A和B两个方向的4盏灯。这两个ALWAYS模块使用同一个时钟信号,以进行同步,也就是说,两个进程的敏感信号时同一个 每个ALWAYS模块控制一个方向的4种灯按如下顺序点亮,并往复循环:绿灯-黄灯-左拐灯-黄灯-红灯,灯亮的时间由自己设定 由于板上资源有限,如觉得实现困难,可去掉左拐灯,即顺序为绿灯-黄灯-红灯。

    标签: 方向

    上传时间: 2016-10-06


  • sim 文件系统In addition, its quality of service reduces because of reliance on traditional circuit-switc

    sim 文件系统In addition, its quality of service reduces because of reliance on traditional circuit-switched network elements. At that former time, people hoped to build a based system, which could access a centralized server network, would ALWAYS have access to the latest traffic information and could provide web links. What this trend is a momentous request for mobile services based on high-speed packet data transfer. Hence, a new standard, GPRS, came into being in order to fill people’s bill.

    标签: circuit-switc traditional addition reliance

    上传时间: 2016-10-08


  • 三种16位整数运算器的ALU设计方法

    三种16位整数运算器的ALU设计方法,调用库函数74181(4位ALU),组成串行16位运算器。(用74181的正逻辑) B.调用库函数74181和74182,组成提前进位16位运算器。(用74181的正逻辑) 注意:调74181库设计,加进位是“0”有效,减借位是“1”有效,所以最高位进位或借位标志寄存器要统一调整到高有效 C.用ALWAYS @,case方式描述16位运算器。

    标签: ALU 整数 运算器 设计方法

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • The combinatorial core of the OVSF code assignment problem that arises in UMTS is to assign some no

    The combinatorial core of the OVSF code assignment problem that arises in UMTS is to assign some nodes of a complete binary tree of height h (the code tree) to n simultaneous connections, such that no two assigned nodes (codes) are on the same root-to-leaf path. Each connection requires a code on a specified level. The code can change over time as long as it is still on the same level. We consider the one-step code assignment problem: Given an assignment, move the minimum number of codes to serve a new request. Minn and Siu proposed the so-called DCAalgorithm to solve the problem optimally. We show that DCA does not ALWAYS return an optimal solution, and that the problem is NP-hard. We give an exact nO(h)-time algorithm, and a polynomial time greedy algorithm that achieves approximation ratio Θ(h). Finally, we consider the online code assignment problem for which we derive several results

    标签: combinatorial assignment problem arises

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • elcome to the Java-Chess project! As you might know, we aim at creating a fully functional chess

    elcome to the Java-Chess project! As you might know, we aim at creating a fully functional chess program written in Java 2. You can ALWAYS get the latest results of our efforts at http://www.java-chess.de If you are interested in the topic and have any skills in the field, you should not hesitate to join our little project (see the mail addies at the contact-page of the site)

    标签: Java-Chess functional creating project

    上传时间: 2013-12-31


  • This article describes how to consume Web services in Java 1.5.0 using the new JAX-WS 2.0 API (JSR 2

    This article describes how to consume Web services in Java 1.5.0 using the new JAX-WS 2.0 API (JSR 228). Developers around the world, including me, have ALWAYS complained about the hard ways to work in Java to consume even a Web service as simple as adding two numbers. However, with JAX-WS 2.0 API now available in core Java in JDK 1.5.0, life is simple like never before.

    标签: describes services article consume

    上传时间: 2013-11-27


  • learning English The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature s Wa

    learning English The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature s Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products. "Previous experience has shown that our stores are most profitable in areas where residents are highly concerned with leading healthy lives. We should therefore build our next new store in Plainsville, which has many such residents. Plainsville merchants report that sales of running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. The local health club, which nearly closed five years ago due to lack of business, has more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobics classes are ALWAYS full. We can even anticipate a new generation of customers: Plainsville s schoolchildren are required to participate in a fitness for life program, which emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at an early age.

    标签: memorandum following president learning

    上传时间: 2017-03-05


  • Many CAD users dismiss schematic capture as a necessary evil in the process of creating PCB layout

    Many CAD users dismiss schematic capture as a necessary evil in the process of creating PCB layout but we have ALWAYS disputed this point of view. With PCB layout now offering automation of both component placement and track routing, getting the design into the computer can often be the most time consuming element of the exercise. And if you use circuit simulation to develop your ideas, you are going to spend even more time working on the schematic.

    标签: schematic necessary creating dismiss

    上传时间: 2014-01-24
