
您现在的位置是:虫虫下载站 > 资源下载 > 其他 > SENTINEL 的加密狗lic生成工具方法如下 1.copy a870.sentinel to windowssystem32 folder. 2.run Emulator Utility

SENTINEL 的加密狗lic生成工具方法如下 1.copy a870.sentinel to windowssystem32 folder. 2.run Emulator Utility

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SENTINEL 的加密狗lic生成工具方法如下 1.copy a870.sentinel to windows\system32 folder. 2.run Emulator Utility and then press install button and close the utility. 3.run wechoid.exe, selector must be 1e or 1c 4.then run LicGen and use selector and code from wechoid.exe w/o 0x, it will make a license for that pc

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