pico-IrDA is a minimalistic IrDA stack for microcontrollers. It supports IrOBEX in primary and secondary IrDA mode and IrCOMM in secondary mode only. pico-IrDA works with a fixed baudrate of 9600 bps and is restricted to two communication peers
标签: microcontrollers minimalistic pico-IrDA supports
上传时间: 2015-11-02
wireless propagation in microcells and pico cells
标签: propagation microcells wireless cells
上传时间: 2017-06-03
P900设置,p900使用方法,pico Series P900.Operating Manual.v1.4
标签: Operating Manual Series pico 900 v1
上传时间: 2016-08-11
pico series p400 operating manual
标签: operating manual series pico p400
上传时间: 2019-06-03
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the technology behind the pico-solar revolution and offers guidance on how to test and choose quality products. The book also discusses how pioneering companies and initiatives are overcoming challenges to reach scale in the market- place, from innovative distribution strategies to reach customers in rural India and Tanzania, to product development in Cambodia, product assembly in Mozambique and the introduction of ‘pay as you go’ technology in Kenya.
标签: pico-solar Electric Systems
上传时间: 2020-06-07
使用Raspberry Pi pico进行运动识别源码使用Raspberry Pi pico进行运动识别源码使用Raspberry Pi pico进行运动识别源码
标签: raspberry pi 运动识别
上传时间: 2021-12-31
标签: 保险丝
上传时间: 2022-07-25
功能最强在的编辑器——vi vi是所有UNIX系统都会提供的屏幕编辑器,它提供了一个视窗设备,通过它可以编辑文件。当然,对UNIX系统略有所知的人,或多或少都觉得vi超级难用,但vi是最基本的编辑器,所以希望读者能好好把它学起来,以后在UNIX世界里必将畅行无阻、游刃有余,因为其他几种文本处理器并非UNIX标准配备。说不定别人的Linux机器没安装joe或pico,如果您不会vi,那您可能就没辄了。
上传时间: 2014-01-11
The rapid growth in mobile communications has led to an increasing demand for wide- band high data rate communications services. In recent years, Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) has emerged as a promising candidate for future (beyond 3G or 4G) mobile communications, as illustrated by projects such as FRAMES and FuTURE. The architecture of DAS inherits and develops the concepts of pico- or micro-cell systems, where multiple distributed antennas or access points (AP) are connected to and con- trolled by a central unit.
标签: Distributed Antenna Systems
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Heterogeneous Network (HetNet): A network that consists of a mix of macro cells and low-power nodes, e.g. pico, Femto, Relay Node (RN) and Remote Radio Head (RRH)
标签: Efficient Spectrum Energy and
上传时间: 2020-06-01