

  • This utility has two views: (a) one view that will show you the entire PnP enumeration tree of devic

    This utility has two views: (a) one view that will show you the entire PnP enumeration tree of device objects, including relationships among objects and all the device s reported PnP characteristics, and (b) a second view that shows you the device objects created, sorted by driver name. There is nothing like this utility available anywhere else.

    标签: enumeration utility entire devic

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • JAVA music player. Project Homepage : http://www.javazoom.net/jlgui/jlgui.html Developer

    JAVA music player. Project Homepage : http://www.javazoom.net/jlgui/jlgui.html Developer Homepage : http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=1344 ----------------------------------------------------- To launch jlGui just doucle click under jlGui2.0.jar. If nothing appear then edit jlGui.bat (or jlGui.sh) script and setup JLGUI_HOME variable and launch the script. To play local file : Left click on "Eject" button. To play remote file/stream : Right click on "Eject" Button. To fill in playlist : Edit default.m3u file before launching jlGui.

    标签: jlgui Developer Homepage javazoom

    上传时间: 2016-11-16


  • The driver supports both the 16F and 18F families. The trick is that the driver carefully emulates t

    The driver supports both the 16F and 18F families. The trick is that the driver carefully emulates the hardware UART found in the PIC18F452 processor. This information has unfortunately misled some into thinking it does not work with the 16F family. During devlopment the driver was tested on a real PIC16F84A (as opposed to software emulation). To make sure nothing has been broken, I have just recompiled the code using SourceBoost 6.0 and it compiled without error.

    标签: driver The carefully the

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • davidmaxwaterman (December 28, 2007 at 7:29 am)ah, the extra credits part of the NotepadCodeLab he

    davidmaxwaterman (December 28, 2007 at 7:29 am)ah, the extra credits part of the NotepadCodeLab helps a lot. There s nothing like actual code and a debugger to explain things :) ...

    标签: davidmaxwaterman NotepadCodeLab the December

    上传时间: 2017-04-27


  • C++ From Scratch: An Object-Oriented Approach is designed to walk novice programmers through the ana

    C++ From Scratch: An Object-Oriented Approach is designed to walk novice programmers through the analysis, design and implementation of a functioning object-oriented application using C++. You will learn all the critical programming concepts and techniques associated with the language in the context of creating a functioning application. Best selling C++ author Jesse Liberty shows you how to create "Decryptix", a game of decoding a hidden pattern as quickly as possible, using nothing but successive guesses and the application of logic. Every example and technique is put into the context of achieving a goal and accomplishing an end.

    标签: Object-Oriented programmers Approach designed

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • asp实现限制一个ip只能访问一次的方法

    asp实现限制一个ip只能访问一次的方法 <%  '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////  '// //  '//作用:一个IP地址只允许访问本页一次 //  '//引用:<!-- #include file="Check_Ip.asp" --> //  '// //  '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////    'Response.Charset = 936 '设置输出编码为简体中文  'Response.Buffer = false '关闭缓冲区    Dim Fso,ts,IpList,Cfs    '设置Cookies函数  Function SetCookie()  Response.Cookies("IsBrow") = "Brow" Response.Cookies("IsBrow").Expires = Date+365  End Function    '记录IP地址函数  Function WriteIp(FileName, IpAddress)  Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  Set ts = Fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(FileName),8,true)  ts.WriteLine IpAddress  ts.Close  Set ts = nothing  Set Fso = nothing  End Function    '读取IP地址函数  Function ReadIpList(FileName)  Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  If Not Fso.FileExists(Server.MapPath(FileName)) Then  CreateFile("Iplist.txt")  Exit Function  End If    Set ts = Fso.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(FileName))  Iplist = ts.ReadAll  ts.Close  Set ts = nothing  Set Fso = nothing  ReadIpList = Iplist  End Function    '创建文件函数  Function CreateFile(FileName)  Set Fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  Set Cfs = Fso.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath(FileName))  Cfs.Close  Set Cfs = nothing  Set Fso = nothing  End Function    '关闭当前IE窗口函数(注:IE6下通过,其他浏览器未测试)  Function CloseWindow()  'Response.Write "<script>window.location='javascript:window.opener=null;window.close();'</script>"  Response.Redirect "http://www.baidu.com" End Function    Ip = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") '获取浏览者IP地址    Cookie = Request.Cookies("IsBrow") '获取当前Cookies  'Response.Write Cookie    If Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") <> "" Then  Response.Write "本站不允许使用代理访问" Response.End()  Else  If Cookie = "Brow" Then  CloseWindow()  Else  If Instr(ReadIpList("Iplist.txt"),Ip) <>0  Then  CloseWindow()  Else  WriteIp "Iplist.txt" , Ip  End If  SetCookie()  End If  End If  %>

    标签: asp 访问

    上传时间: 2016-07-14


  • Fundamental Limits on a Class of Secure

    Abstract—In the future communication applications, users may obtain their messages that have different importance levels distributively from several available sources, such as distributed storage or even devices belonging to other users. This scenario is the best modeled by the multilevel diversity coding systems (MDCS). To achieve perfect (information-theoretic) secrecy against wiretap channels, this paper investigates the fundamental limits on the secure rate region of the asymmetric MDCS (AMDCS), which include the symmetric case as a special case. Threshold perfect secrecy is added to the AMDCS model. The eavesdropper may have access to any one but not more than one subset of the channels but know nothing about the sources, as long as the size of the subset is not above the security level. The question of whether superposition (source separation) coding is optimal for such an AMDCS with threshold perfect secrecy is answered. A class of secure AMDCS (S-AMDCS) with an arbitrary number of encoders is solved, and it is shown that linear codes are optimal for this class of instances. However, in contrast with the secure symmetric MDCS, superposition is shown to be not optimal for S-AMDCS in general. In addition, necessary conditions on the existence of a secrecy key are determined as a design guideline.

    标签: Fundamental Limits Secure Class on of

    上传时间: 2020-01-04


  • Implementing+802.11

    Communication, a word that many associate with modern technology, actually has nothing to do with technology. At its core, communication involves nothing more than the spoken or written word, and symbolic languages like art and music. Technology has become synonymous with communication because technology has historically been the method by which communication to or by the general population takes place. 

    标签: Implementing 802.11

    上传时间: 2020-05-27
