

  • PCB LAYOUT初学者必看!

    PCB LAYOUT技术大全---初学者必看!  PROTEL相关疑问 1.原理图常见错误: (1)ERC报告管脚没有接入信号: a. 创建封装时给管脚定义了I/O属性; b.创建元件或放置元件时修改了不一致的grid属性,管脚与线没有连上; c. 创建元件时pin方向反向,必须非pin name端连线。 (2)元件跑到图纸界外:没有在元件库图表纸中心创建元件。 (3)创建的工程文件网络表只能部分调入pcb:生成netlist时没有选择为global。 (4)当使用自己创建的多部分组成的元件时,千万不要使用annotate. 2.PCB中常见错误: (1)网络载入时报告node没有找到: a. 原理图中的元件使用了pcb库中没有的封装;  b. 原理图中的元件使用了pcb库中名称不一致的封装; c. 原理图中的元件使用了pcb库中pin number不一致的封装。如三极管:sch中pin number 为e,b,c, 而pcb中为1,2,3。

    标签: LAYOUT PCB 初学者

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • This article is based in part on Bob Place s ADO is AOK (a simple ADO tutorial). Wrapper Usage This

    This article is based in part on Bob Place s ADO is AOK (a simple ADO tutorial). Wrapper Usage This is consist of 2 classes. CDyndb : This Class manages connections and recordsets. Recordsets are organized as linked list (CList) and you can access them using their ids. CDynRec : This class is the node to populate for each recordsets. ADO封装器类 这篇文章一部分基于Bob Place的《ADO is AOK》 (简单的ADO指导) 。 包裹的用法 由2个类组成。 类CDyndb: 这个类别管理连接和记录集。记录集是连接起来的记录的集合,你可以通过他们的ID访问他们。 类CDynRec: 这个类别存放记录集的代码。

    标签: This ADO tutorial article

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • 本软件为绿色软件

    本软件为绿色软件,解压缩后可以直接运行,特别方便存于闪存中,使用时可直接点击node.exe打开。 备份资料只需要备份data目录,软件升级只需要升级web目录。

    标签: 软件 绿色软件

    上传时间: 2015-03-01


  • Although there has been a lot of AVL tree libraries available now, nearly all of them are meant to w

    Although there has been a lot of AVL tree libraries available now, nearly all of them are meant to work in the random access memory(RAM). Some of them do provide some mechanism for dumping the whole tree into a file and loading it back to the memory in order to make data in that tree persistent. It serves well when there s just small amount of data. When the tree is somewhat bigger, the dumping/loading process could take a lengthy time and makes your mission-critical program less efficient. How about an AVL tree that can directly use the disk for data storage ? If there s something like that, we won t need to read through the whole tree in order to pick up just a little bit imformation(a node), but read only the sectors that are neccssary for locating a certain node and the sectors in which that node lies. This is my initial motivation for writing a storage-media independent AVL Tree. However, as you step forth, you would find that it not only works fine with disks but also fine with memorys, too.

    标签: available libraries Although nearly

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • MIB Browser allows you to view the hierarchy of SNMP MIB variables in the form of a tree and provide

    MIB Browser allows you to view the hierarchy of SNMP MIB variables in the form of a tree and provides you with additional information about each node. With MIB Browser you can easily load (compile) standard and proprietary MIB files, view and manipulate data that is available in an SNMP agent.

    标签: MIB the hierarchy variables

    上传时间: 2015-06-29


  • //Basic packet sending test at the MAC level, used for internal testing only. //This packet test ha

    //Basic packet sending test at the MAC level, used for internal testing only. //This packet test has one node sending out a variety of //differently formatted packets to two assumed destination nodes.

    标签: packet test internal sending

    上传时间: 2014-08-21


  • The Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA) is a new design for building scalable Internet services.

    The Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA) is a new design for building scalable Internet services. SEDA has three major goals: To support massive concurrency, on the order of tens of thousands of clients per node To exhibit robust performance under wide variations in load and, To simplify the design of complex Internet services. SEDA decomposes a complex, event-driven application into a set of stages connected by queues. This design avoids the high overhead associated with thread-based concurrency models, and decouples event and thread scheduling from application logic. SEDA enables services to be well-conditioned to load, preventing resources from being overcommitted when demand exceeds service capacity. Decomposing services into a set of stages also enables modularity and code reuse, as well as the development of debugging tools for complex event-driven applications.

    标签: Event-Driven Architecture Internet building

    上传时间: 2015-09-28


  • 2.[问题描述] 编写递归算法

    2.[问题描述] 编写递归算法,在二叉树中求位于先序序列中第K个位置的结点 [输入] 按照先序序列的顺序输入该结点的内容。其输入abd eh cf i g 。输入要求的位置 [输出] 若二叉树不空,按先序序列输出,求出所求位置的结点 [存储结构] 采用二叉表存储 [算法的基本思想] 采用递归方法建立和遍历二叉树。首先建立二叉树的根结点,然后建立其左右子树,直到空子树为止,先序遍历二叉树时,先遍厉左子树,后遍厉右子树,最后访问根结点并计算出二叉树中叶子结点的数目和第K个位置的结点 #include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> struct node{ char info struct node*llink,*rlink } typedef struct node node

    标签: 编写 算法 递归

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • 探讨了pbl的格式,Pbl有四种块类型


    标签: pbl Pbl

    上传时间: 2015-11-26


  • An AHB system is made of masters slaves and interconnections. A general approach to include all poss

    An AHB system is made of masters slaves and interconnections. A general approach to include all possible "muxed" implementation of multi layered AHB systems and arbitrated AHB ones can be thought as an acyclic graph where every source node is a master, every destination node is a slave and every internal node is an arbiter there must be one and only one arc exiting a master and one or more entering a slave (single slave verus multi-slave or arbitrated slave) an arbiter can have as many input and output connections as needed. A bridge is a special node that collapses one or more slave nodes and a master node in a new "complex" node.

    标签: interconnections approach general include

    上传时间: 2015-12-12
