

  • xletview, for UNIX file and directory names are case sensitive. The path to the project CVSROOT must

    xletview, for UNIX file and directory names are case sensitive. The path to the project CVSROOT must be specified using lowercase characters (i.e. /cvsroot/xletview)

    标签: directory sensitive xletview CVSROOT

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in

    Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.

    标签: Information Companies document subject

    上传时间: 2014-06-17


  • Samples are artificially generated and in no way represent particular individuals. Human names, comp

    Samples are artificially generated and in no way represent particular individuals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

    标签: artificially individuals particular generated

    上传时间: 2016-04-13


  • Give folders full access to account ASP.Net. Folders names are: ProMatrix.Lib and ProMatrix.TestCont

    Give folders full access to account ASP.Net. Folders names are: ProMatrix.Lib and ProMatrix.TestControls

    标签: ProMatrix TestCont Folders folders

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • This file defines all the register names and addresses.

    This file defines all the register names and addresses.

    标签: addresses register defines names

    上传时间: 2014-01-26


  • Converts IP to names

    Converts IP to names

    标签: Converts names IP to

    上传时间: 2017-03-23


  • FAT16, FAT32 Support with long file names

    FAT16, FAT32 Support with long file names

    标签: FAT Support names with

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • the names of the users input will be displayed alphabetically,

    the names of the users input will be displayed alphabetically,

    标签: alphabetically the displayed names

    上传时间: 2017-05-03


  • These Fourier routines were originally based on the Fourier routines of the same names from the

    These Fourier routines were originally based on the Fourier routines of the same names from the NETLIB bihar and fftpack fortran libraries developed by Paul N. Swarztrauber at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, CO USA. They have been reimplemented in C and optimized in a few ways for OggSquish.

    标签: routines Fourier the originally

    上传时间: 2017-09-12


  • Cadence Allegro 16.6破解Crack+高速下载+教程 Win7下可用

    最新Cadence Allegro 16.6破解版,Windows 7下32位和64位,经实际测试,顺利运行,请仔细阅读安装说明。 后面附有高速百度网盘下载链接,压缩包中包括破解文件及安装说明,下面 Cadence16.6的版本个人感觉值得更新,有很多更新真心很实用很强大,但最重要的Display net names的功能的加入实在是感激涕零啊,因为当初从AD转到Cadence16.3时最不习惯的就是PCB上木有NET显示啊... 小弟win7安装时破解方法如下: 具体的步骤: 1、安装licensemanager,问license时,单击cancel,然后finish. 2、接下来安装cadence的product,即第二项,直到结束. 3、在任务管理器中确认一下是否有这两个进程,有就结束掉,即cdsnameserver.exe和cdsMsgServer.exe,没有就算了.(电脑开机没运行过Cadence软件就不用执行这一步). 5、把破解文件夹crack中LicenseManager文件夹下的pubkey、pubkey.exe和lLicenseManagerPubkey.bat放到Cadence\\LicenseManager目录下并运行lLicenseManagerPubkey.bat (如果是WIN764位操作系统请把cdslmd.exe文件复制到Cadence\\LicenseManager目录下覆盖原文件。其他操作系统不用,直接下一步) 6、把破解文件夹crack里crack\\SPB_16.6\\tools的pubkey、pubkey.exe和Tools.bat放到Cadence\\SPB_16.6\\tools目录下并运行Tools.bat (注意看一下DOS窗口会不会一闪而过,如果运行差不多一分钟就说明破解成功) 7、打开破解文件夹crack里LicGen文件夹,然后双击licgen.bat生成新的license.lic,习惯上把这license文件拷到桌面上放着. 8.在电脑开始菜单中的程序里找到cadence文件夹,点开再点开License Manager,运行License servers configuration Unilily,弹出的对话框中点browes...指向第7步拷贝到桌面上的license.lic,打开 它(open)再点下一步(next),将Host Name项中主机名改成你的电脑系统里的主机名(完整的计算机名称),然后点下一步按界面提示直到完成第7步. 9.在电脑开始菜单中的程序里找到cadence文件夹(windows7下),点开再点开,运行License client configuration Unility,填入5280@(你的主机名),点下一步(next),最后点finish,完成这第8步. 10.在电脑开始菜单中的程序里找到cadence文件夹(windows7下),点开再点开,运行Lm Tools,点Config Services项,Path to the license file项中,点Browes指向c:\\cadence\\License Manager\\license.dat(如果看不见icense.dat,请在类型中下拉选择DAT类型),打开它 (open)再点Save Service.然后启动一下服务。到此,破解完成. 11、如果以上步骤都完成了,打开软件提示找不到证书,请打开环境变量,用户变量中看看 CDS_LIC_FILE 变量值是否为 5280@(你的主机名),如果没 CDS_LIC_FILE变量名,请添加一个变量。变量名为CDS_LIC_FILE 变量值为 5280@(你的主机名) 12. 64位操作系统,软件破解完请把cdslmd.exe文件复制到Cadence\\LicenseManager目录下覆盖原文件。 附我用的破解文件,希望给win7安装不成功的有点帮助

    标签: Cadence Allegro Crack 16.6

    上传时间: 2013-07-23
