

  • Windows Phone7完美开发征程电子版(development journey)

    Windows Phone7完美开发征程电子版(development journey)《Windows Phone7完美开发征程》以全新的Windows Phone 7手机应用程序开发为主题,采用理论和实践相结合的方法,由浅入深地讲述了新平台的基础架构、开发环境、图形图像处理、数据访问、网络通信等知识点。在《Windows Phone7完美开发征程》的最后章节,通过较为完整的实战演练,帮助读者更快地掌握项目开发的各个技术要点,使得读者能够尽快投入到实际项目的开发中去。   《Windows Phone7完美开发征程》适合于对微软全新智能手机平台Windows Phone 7的开发感兴趣的大专院校师生、需要在Windows Phone 7平台上进行商业开发的程序员或编程爱好者阅读。

    标签: development Windows journey Phone7

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • Linux From Scratch

    前言:My journey to learn and better understand Linux began back in 1998. I had just installed my first Linux distribution and had quickly become intrigued with the whole concept and philosophy behind Linux. 这是英文原版的很清晰,希望能帮助到对linux感兴趣的朋友。

    标签: Linux From Scratch

    上传时间: 2018-11-18


  • Arduino Starter Kit Manual

    Thank you for purchasing the Earthshine Design Arduino Starter Kit. You are now well on your way in your journey into the wonderful world of the Arduino and microcontroller electronics. This book will guide you, step by step, through using the Starter Kit to learn about the Arduino hardware, software and general electronics theory. Through the use of electronic projects we will take you from the level of complete beginner through to having an intermediate set of skills in using the Arduino.

    标签: Arduino Starter Manual Kit

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • The journey of RISC-V Implementation

    详细介绍了wd公司开源的risc-v core swe eh1,以及对risc-v做的贡献

    标签: risc-v

    上传时间: 2022-02-04
