

  • 飞行器半实物仿真

    fds 选择文件 X 飞行器半实物仿真初案_

    标签: 飞行器 半实物仿真

    上传时间: 2020-03-06


  • 基于指数曲线拟合的高温作业服装最优厚度设计

    在高温环境下工作时,专用的防护服装不可或缺。专用服装通常由多层织物构成,不同织物的密度、比热、热传导率都有所不同,不同的厚度搭配会对服装的防护性能和舒适度有所影响。本文主要通过研究特定的织物在相同的工作防护能力要求下,最优的厚度配比,为高温作业服装最优厚度设计提供参考。 针对问题一,采取控制变量法,根据附件二中的数据,使用MATLAB曲线拟合工具箱对数据进行分析,建立了温度-厚度指数曲线模型,得出假人皮肤外侧的温度与外界环境温度成正比的关系,和II层与IV层的厚度的平方成反比关系的结论,计算出在不同的温度环境和不同厚度的织物材料条件下的温度分布,得到了problem1.xlsx。 针对问题二,根据问题一中建立的温度-厚度指数曲线模型建立出最优化模型,将题目中的已知条件带入数学模型表达式,再根据已知条件建立相关不等式,使用MATLAB软件对相关不等式进行非线性规划求得最优解,即可获得问题二的解,根据模型一确定的II层最优厚度为6.167mm,根据模型二确定的II层最优厚度为5.835mm。 针对问题三,考虑到舒适性和功能性两大特性的平衡,将附件1中的三个指标以热扩散率来整合,将其与问题一和问题二中的模型进行联系,建立了热扩散-最优厚度模型,带入题目中的已知条件,使用lingo软件,通过非线性规划方法,建立最优化模型,对数据的最优化解进行求解,即可得到II层和IV层的最优厚度,根据模型一确定的II层和IV层的最优厚度分别为6.225mm和0.6mm。

    标签: 曲线拟合 服装

    上传时间: 2020-03-17


  • LTE-Advanced+Relay+Technology

    LTE-Advanced becomes a truly global standard for 4G cellular communications. Relay, as one of the key technologies of LTE-Advanced, can significantly extend the coverage, and improve the system throughput. LTE-A standards and tech- nologies were described in several recent books where the limited pages for relay feature prevent the detailed explanations of the technology. In this book, we tried to provide an in-depth description of LTE-A relay development. More specifically, significant portions are spent on relay channel modeling and potential technologies during the study item phase of the development, although some of those tech- nologies, such as Type 2 cooperative relay, multi-hop relay, relay with backhaul of carrier aggregation, were not standardized in Release 10 LTE.

    标签: LTE-Advanced Technology Relay

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • RFID+and+Sensor+Network+Automation

    With the continued growth in the world's population, there is a need to ensure availability of enough food to feed everyone. Advances in science and technology have helped not only to increase food production, but also to reduce food wastage. However, the latter has the potential to be improved to a significant extent through appropriate matching of supply and demand, and with proper handling during storage and transit. Given the amount of food wastage that occurs after a food item leaves the “farm” on its way to the “fork,” and the availability of means to reduce such wastage, there really is no excuse for feigned ignorance.

    标签: Automation Industry Network Sensor RFID Food and the in

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Arduino Adventures Escape from Gemini Station

    Fun. We (your authors) wanted a word to describe our ultimate goal for this book, as well as a word we hope you (our reader) will use to describe it, and that’s the one we chose. There are others goals, of course, but in the end, when you’ve finished the book, we’re hoping you’ll have enjoyed the activities described in these pages. Many books use the Introduction to explain exactly what the book is about, what the reader will learn, what the reader needs (a skill or maybe an item or piece of software), and what the reader will be left with when that last page is completed. And this Introduction will do those things, but … hopefully it’ll make you excited to get started.

    标签: Adventures Arduino Station Escape Gemini from

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • 选择文件 X双色球彩票过滤器 绿色免费版

    选择文件 X 双色球彩票过滤器 绿色免费版

    标签: 双色 过滤器

    上传时间: 2020-11-27


  • 选择文件 X双色球彩票管理系统(LotterySystem)

    选择文件 X 双色球彩票管理系统(LotterySystem)

    标签: LotterySystem 双色 管理系统

    上传时间: 2020-11-27


  • 百度网盘rar

    百度网盘RAR 网盘,又称网络U盘、网络硬盘,是由互联网公司推出的在线存储服务。服务器机房为用户划分一定的磁盘空间,为用户免费或收费提供文件的存储、访问、备份、共享等文件管理等功能,并且拥有高级的世界各地的容灾备份。用户可以把网盘看成一个放在网络上的硬盘或U盘,不管你是在家中、单位或其它任何地方,只要你连接到因特网,你就可以管理、编辑网盘里的文件。不需要随身携带,更不怕丢失。

    标签: rar 百度

    上传时间: 2020-12-18


  • lm317


    标签: 317 lm

    上传时间: 2021-06-25


  • ULN2003

    ULN2003是高耐压、大电流复合晶体管阵列,由七个硅NPN 复合晶体管组成,每一对达林顿都串联一个2.7K 的基极电阻,在5V 的工作电压下它能与TTL 和CMOS 电路直接相连,可以直接处理原先需要标准逻辑缓冲器来处理的数据。

    标签: 2003 ULN

    上传时间: 2021-06-26
