

  • Electric Machinery (6th ed)

    The chief objective of  Electric Machinery  continues to be to build a strong foundation in the basic principles of electromechanics and electric machinery. Through all of its editions, the emphasis of  Electric Machinery  has been on both physical insight and analytical techniques. Mastery of the material covered will provide both the basis for understanding many real-world electric-machinery applications as well as the foundation for proceeding on to more advanced courses in electric machinery design and control.

    标签: Machinery Electric 6th ed

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions

    Human Factors and Systems Interaction aims to address the main issues of concern within systems interface with a particular emphasis on the system lifecycle development and implementation of interfaces and the general implications of virtual, augmented and mixed reality with respect to human and technology interaction. Human Factors and Systems Interaction is, in the first instance, affected by the forces shaping the nature offuture computing and systems development

    标签: Interactions Advances Factors System Human and in

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Foundations of Data Science

    Computer science as an academic discipline began in the 1960’s. emphasis was on programming languages, compilers, operating systems, and the mathematical theory that supported these areas. Courses in theoretical computer science covered finite automata, regular expressions, context-free languages, and computability. In the 1970’s, the study of algorithms was added as an important component of theory. The emphasis was on making computers useful. Today, a fundamental change is taking place and the focus is more on a wealth of applications. There are many reasons for this change. The merging of computing and communications has played an important role. The enhanced ability to observe, collect, and store data in the natural sciences, in commerce, and in other fields calls for a change in our understanding of data and how to handle it in the modern setting. The emergence of the web and social networks as central aspects of daily life presents both opportunities and challenges for theory.

    标签: Foundations Science Data of

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Machine Learning Healthcare Technologies

    Much has been written concerning the manner in which healthcare is changing, with a particular emphasis on how very large quantities of data are now being routinely collected during the routine care of patients. The use of machine learning meth- ods to turn these ever-growing quantities of data into interventions that can improve patient outcomes seems as if it should be an obvious path to take. However, the field of machine learning in healthcare is still in its infancy. This book, kindly supported by the Institution of Engineering andTechnology, aims to provide a “snap- shot” of the state of current research at the interface between machine learning and healthcare.

    标签: Technologies Healthcare Learning Machine

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is about designing algorithms that automatically extract valuable information from data. The emphasis here is on “automatic”, i.e., machine learning is concerned about general-purpose methodologies that can be applied to many datasets, while producing something that is mean- ingful. There are three concepts that are at the core of machine learning: data, a model, and learning.

    标签: learning Machine

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • SPICE电路分析

    电子产品的设计一般先从功能框图开始,然后细化到原理图,还要经过很复杂和繁琐的调试验证过程,最终才能完成。为了验证原理图的正确性,都要焊接实验板(样板),或使用易于插件的“面包板”,每个节点都必须正确和可靠,连接或焊接过程都是细致而耗时的工作,在器件很多时几乎是不可能完成的任务,而每次调整都要打样,耗时长而成本高,在设计集成电路时更是如此,急需在制造之前验证集成电路的功能。这种现实需要就迫使人们想用他办法来解决。 根据电路理论,人们可以建立起节点方程和回路方程,通过解这些方程组成的方程组就可以得到结果,也就是说可以通过计算来获得电路的工作情况。但包含电感、电容等器件的电路形成的是一组微分方程组,人工计算依然是累人的活,而计算机则可以大展身手,通过其强大的存储、计算和图形显示能力就能轻松完成,很快得到结果。基于这种思想,人们开发出电路仿真软件,通过快速的仿真,代替耗时且累人的反复调测,提高设计速度和效率,也节省了时间和成本。最早、最出色的仿真软件就是SPICE。SPICE是Simulation Program with Integrated Circuits emphasis的缩写,由美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利(Berkeley)分校的电工和计算机科学系开发,骨干是Ron Rohrer和Larry Nagel,开始是使用FORTRAN语言设计的仿真软件,用于快速可靠地验证集成电路中的电路设计以及预测电路的性能。第一个版本SPICE1于1971年推出,通过围绕晶体管建立电流和电压变量来仿真电路的行为,称为模拟仿真或电路级仿真,且只能模拟100个晶体管的电路。1975年SPICE2发布,开始正式实用化,1983年发布的SPICE2G.6在很长时间内都是工业标准,它包含超过15000条FORTRON语句,运行于多种中小型计算机上。1985年SPICE3推出,转为用C语言开发,易于运行于UNIX工作站,还增加了图形后处理工具和原理图工具,提供了更多的器件模型和分析功能。在1988年SPICE被定为美国国家标准。Spice仿真器采用修改的节点分析法来建立电路方程组,提供非线性直流分析,非线性瞬态分析(实域分析)和线性小信号分析(频域分析)等。其中瞬态分析是最费时的验证方法,通常是利用数值积分法把非线性微分方程变成一组代数方程组,然后用高斯消去法来求解,因为这些线性方程仅仅在积分时刻点是有效的,而随着仿真器进展到下一个积分步长,积分方法必须重复来得到新的线性方程组,如果信号变化得特别快,积分步长应该取得非常小以便积分方法能收敛到正确的解,因此瞬态分析需要大量的数学操作。随着SPICE的发布,其他一些机构也加入研究行列,更有一些软件供应商也看中这个商机,纷纷推出基于SPICE3的各种商业软件,如XSPICE、PSPICE、ISSPICE、T-SPICE、HSPICE等等,功能更强,更方便使用,使SPICE成为电子电路仿真的主流软件,一些软件公司也是通过SPICE相关软件得到发展,并逐渐成为现在的EDA软件公司,成为知识创造财富的实例。因为SPICE仿真需要相关的元器件仿真模型库,还催生了依靠提供器件模型为生的公司和个人,但中国人都乐于奉献,没钱当然不会买,这种公司在中国是无法存在的(http://www.aeng.com/spicemodeling.asp )。SPICE软件也有一定局限性,有些电路无法仿真或仿真时因不能收敛而失败,特别是用于数模混合电路及脉冲电路时尤其如此。就算通过仿真,最终还是要通过实际制作电路板调试和验证,仿真只是使这个过程大大缩短,次数大大减少,也就降低了成本。软件能提高效率和降低成本,所以就有相应的价值,但中国人的人工费低廉而有的是时间,干得好干得快才让人讨厌,软件在中国也就不值钱了。

    标签: spice 电路分析

    上传时间: 2022-05-25
