

  • Neural Networks and deep Learning(简体中文)

    Neural Networks and deep Learning(简体中文),比较经典的深度学习入门教程。

    标签: Networks Learning Neural deep and 简体中文

    上传时间: 2016-11-09


  • deep API

    deep learning paper deep learning paper deep learning paper deep learning paper deep learning paper deep learning paper deep learning paper deep learning paper

    标签: deep API

    上传时间: 2018-06-13


  • Star Trek_ deep Space Nine - A Stitch in Time

    Star Trek_ deep Space Nine - A Stitch in Time - Andrew J. Robinson 英文版 格式 epub

    标签: Stitch Space Star deep Nine Trek Time in

    上传时间: 2021-06-16


  • 深度学习 deep learning 经典书籍教程合集,共11本

    图像配准理论及算法研究.pdf cnn_tutorial.pdf deep Learning(深度学习)学习笔记整理.pdf 00.神经⽹络与深度学习.pdf deep learning.pdf 深度学习方法及应用PDF高清晰完整版.pdf 斯坦福大学-深度学习基础教程.pdf 深度学习基础教程.pdf deep+learning.pdf 深度学习 中文版 ---文字版.pdf 神经网络与机器学习(原书第3版).pdf

    标签: 低压 电工 实用技术 问答

    上传时间: 2013-06-07


  • deep.Exploration.CAD.Edition.v5.7.2-CR

    关于如何从moonshell退出到烧录卡内核-Out on how to burn cards from moonshell kernel

    标签: Exploration Edition deep CAD

    上传时间: 2013-08-05


  • 关于FPGA流水线设计的论文

    关于FPGA流水线设计的论文\r\nThis work investigates the use of very deep pipelines for\r\nimplementing circuits in FPGAs, where each pipeline\r\nstage is limited to a single FPGA logic element (LE). The\r\narchitecture and VHDL design of a parameterized integer\r\na

    标签: FPGA 流水线 论文

    上传时间: 2013-09-03


  • 深度睡眠模式操作技术笔记

    LM3S系列单片机主要有3种工作模式:运行模式(Run-Mode)、睡眠模式(Sleep-Mode)、深度睡眠模式(deep-Sleep-Mode)。某些型号还具有单独的极为省电的冬眠模块(Hibernation Module)。而对各个模式下的外设时钟选通以及系统时钟源的控制主要由表 2.1中的寄存器来完成。 运行模式是正常的工作模式,处理器内核将积极地执行代码。在睡眠模式下,系统时钟不变,但处理器内核不再执行代码(内核因不需要时钟而省电)。在深度睡眠模式下,系统时钟可变,处理器内核同样也不再执行代码。深度睡眠模式比睡眠模式更为省电。有关这3种工作模式的具体区别请参见表 2.2的描述。调用函数SysCtlSleep( )可使处理器立即进入睡眠模式,而调用函数SysCtldeepSleep( )可使处理器立即进入深度睡眠模式。任一中断都可以将处理器从睡眠或深度睡眠模式唤醒,并使处理器恢复到睡眠前的运行状态。因此在进入睡眠或深度睡眠之前,必须配置某个片内外设的中断并允许其在睡眠或深度睡眠模式下继续工作,如果不这样,则只有复位或重新上电才能结束睡眠或深度睡眠状态。

    标签: 深度睡眠 模式 操作

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • The project Adventure is a simple text-based adventure game. The game, as given, involves the hero t

    The project Adventure is a simple text-based adventure game. The game, as given, involves the hero trying to find his way from a deep dark forest to home and his true love. There s very little else the player can do apart from moving from place to place. It s not really very interesting. This project can be of use beyond the given, rather boring forest adventure though. You can use it as a basis for developing your own adventure game with different, more interesting commands, areas, items, people and so on. The package ope.adventure contains classes to describe the game world.

    标签: game text-based The Adventure

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • 一个简单的SPI IP核

    一个简单的SPI IP核,SPI Core Specifications 可以从说明文档中找到! The simple Serial Peripheral Interface core is an enhanced version of the Serial Peripheral Interface found on Motorola s M68HC11 family of CPUs. The Serial Peripheral Interface is a serial, synchronous communication protocol that requires a minimum of 3 wires. FEATURES: · Compatible with Motorola’s SPI specifications · Enhanced M68HC11 Serial Peripheral Interface · 4 entries deep read FIFO · 4 entries deep write FIFO · Interrupt generation after 1, 2, 3, or 4 transferred bytes · 8 bit WISHBONE RevB.3 Classic interface · Operates from a wide range of input clock frequencies · Static synchronous design · Fully synthesizable


    上传时间: 2015-09-17


  • In order to thoroughly understand what makes Linux tick and why it works so well on a wide variety o

    In order to thoroughly understand what makes Linux tick and why it works so well on a wide variety of systems, you need to delve deep into the heart of the kernel. The kernel handles all interactions between the CPU and the external world, and determines which programs will share processor time, in what order. It manages limited memory so well that hundreds of processes can share the system efficiently, and expertly organizes data transfers so that the CPU isn t kept waiting any longer than necessary for the relatively slow disks.

    标签: thoroughly understand variety order

    上传时间: 2014-12-06
