

  • 法国cromda编写的新版本MATRICE 2(矩阵和矢量运算单元)。 // ----------------------------------------------------------

    法国cromda编写的新版本MATRICE 2(矩阵和矢量运算单元)。 // ---------------------------------------------------------- // 12-01-02 : MODIFIED Matrice to Matrice2 (Delphi 6) // All routines now operate on rectangular matrix, except (InvMat and SysLin) // No more need to use the InitMat procedure (suppressed) : // - the routines detect automaticaly the dimensions of matrix and vector // - error code MatDimNul is generated if zero lines or column in matrix and vector (See DimensionMatrice and DimensionVecteur) // - error code MatMauvDim is generated if the dimensions of matrix/vector don t allow valid result // - // The result matrix is dimensioned automaticaly

    标签: MATRICE cromda 法国 编写

    上传时间: 2014-01-23
