

  • One-channel queuing system simulator (M/M/1) * Arrival and service times are random and distributed

    One-channel queuing system simulator (M/M/1) * Arrival and service times are random and distributed exponetially. * * The simulator is time-slice-driven, i.e. the system model is being * run at discrete time points, with constant increments deltaT. * At each such time moment, program checks if a new item arrival or * release has occurred during previus deltaT.

    标签: One-channel distributed and simulator

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • %CHECKBOUNDS Move the initial point within the (valid) bounds. % [X,LB,UB,X,FLAG] = CHECKBOUNDS(X0,

    %CHECKBOUNDS Move the initial point within the (valid) bounds. % [X,LB,UB,X,FLAG] = CHECKBOUNDS(X0,LB,UB,nvars) % checks that the upper and lower % bounds are valid (LB <= UB) and the same length as X (pad with -inf/inf % if necessary) warn if too long. Also make LB and UB vectors if not % already. % Finally, inf in LB or -inf in UB throws an error.

    标签: CHECKBOUNDS the initial bounds

    上传时间: 2015-10-26


  • sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a G

    sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a Gaussian copula, treating the univariate marginal distributions as nuisance parameters as described in Hoff(2007). It also provides a semiparametric imputation procedure for missing multivariate data. Version: 0.95 Date: 2007-03-09 Author: Peter Hoff Maintainer: Peter Hoff <hoff at stat.washington.edu> License: GPL Version 2 or later URL: http://www.stat.washington.edu/hoff CRAN checks: sbgcop results Downloads: Package source: sbgcop_0.95.tar.gz MacOS X binary: sbgcop_0.95.tgz Windows binary: sbgcop_0.95.zip Reference manual: sbgcop.pdf

    标签: Semiparametric estimation parameters estimates

    上传时间: 2016-04-15


  • sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a G

    sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a Gaussian copula, treating the univariate marginal distributions as nuisance parameters as described in Hoff(2007). It also provides a semiparametric imputation procedure for missing multivariate data. Version: 0.95 Date: 2007-03-09 Author: Peter Hoff Maintainer: Peter Hoff <hoff at stat.washington.edu> License: GPL Version 2 or later URL: http://www.stat.washington.edu/hoff CRAN checks: sbgcop results Downloads: Windows binary: sbgcop_0.95.zip

    标签: Semiparametric estimation parameters estimates

    上传时间: 2016-04-15


  • sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a G

    sbgcop: Semiparametric Bayesian Gaussian copula estimation This package estimates parameters of a Gaussian copula, treating the univariate marginal distributions as nuisance parameters as described in Hoff(2007). It also provides a semiparametric imputation procedure for missing multivariate data. Version: 0.95 Date: 2007-03-09 Author: Peter Hoff Maintainer: Peter Hoff <hoff at stat.washington.edu> License: GPL Version 2 or later URL: http://www.stat.washington.edu/hoff CRAN checks: sbgcop results Downloads: Reference manual: sbgcop.pdf

    标签: Semiparametric estimation parameters estimates

    上传时间: 2014-12-08


  • Two scripts are included here. 1. convsys.m - combines the state space representation of two syst

    Two scripts are included here. 1. convsys.m - combines the state space representation of two systems connected in series. [Ao,Bo,Co,Do]=convsys(A1,B1,C1,D1,A2,B2,C2,D2) This algorithm gives the convolution of two state space representations | A1 B1 | | A2 B2 | u ==> | | ==> | | ==> y | C1 D1 | | C2 D2 | The algorithm also accepts state space objects as inputs and gives out a state space object as output. 2. sysfeedbk.m [Ao,Bo,Co,Do]=convsys(A1,B1,C1,D1,A2,B2,C2,D2) Gives the closed loop state space representation for two systems connected with negative feedback in the following manner. | A1 B1 | u ==> | | ==> y + o | C1 D1 | | - | | | | A2 B2 | | |= | |= | | C2 D2 | The zip file also contains checkcompatibility.m , which checks the compatibility of matrix dimensions in the system and cleanss.m which can be used to clean a state space representation.

    标签: representation included combines scripts

    上传时间: 2017-07-25


  • A quicksort algorithm sourcecode that together with the sourcecode for equalTo, sorts a integer arra

    A quicksort algorithm sourcecode that together with the sourcecode for equalTo, sorts a integer array from lowest to highest and then checks if two numbers in the array added with eachother equals another integer.

    标签: sourcecode quicksort algorithm together

    上传时间: 2017-07-26


  • Linear Control System Analysis and Design Fifth

    The countless technological advances of the twentieth century require that futureengineering educationemphasizebridging thegapbetweentheoryand the real world.Thisedition hasbeenprepared withparticular attentiontothe needs of undergraduates, especially those who seek a solid foundation in control theory aswellas an ability tobridgethe gapbetween control theory and itsreal- world applications.To help the reader achieve this goal, computer-aided design accuracy checks (CADAC) are used throughout the text to encourage good habits of computerliteracy.Each CADAC uses fundamentalconcepts to ensure the viability of a computer solution.

    标签: Analysis Control Linear Design System Fifth and

    上传时间: 2020-06-09
