

  • The Small C compiler translates a Subset of the C language into assembly language. It runs under P

    The Small C compiler translates a Subset of the C language into assembly language. It runs under PC/MS-DOS 2.1 and later. Small C is compatible with the Microsoft and Small Mac assemblers. Small C takes full advantage of the ability of these assemblers to generate relocatable object code, to maintain libraries of relocatable modules, and to link separately compiled program modules. It supports a small memory model with one code and one data/stack segment.

    标签: language translates compiler assembly

    上传时间: 2015-04-07


  • ASN.1 (抽象语法符号) A Layman s Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER. 对理解报文传输有一定帮助

    ASN.1 (抽象语法符号) A Layman s Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER. 对理解报文传输有一定帮助

    标签: ASN Layman Subset Guide

    上传时间: 2015-12-10


  • This document specifies a Subset of the C programming language which is intended to be suitable for

    This document specifies a Subset of the C programming language which is intended to be suitable for embedded automotive systems up to and including safety integrity level 3 (as defined in the MISRA Guidelines). It contains a list of rules concerning the use of the C programming language together with justifications and examples.

    标签: programming specifies document language

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • A compiler for a Subset of the Java language

    A compiler for a Subset of the Java language

    标签: compiler language Subset Java

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • Neighborhood rough set based heterogeneous feature Subset selection

    Neighborhood rough set based heterogeneous feature Subset selection

    标签: heterogeneous Neighborhood selection feature

    上传时间: 2017-05-13


  • FPGA布线算法的研究

    现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)是一种可实现多层次逻辑器件。基于SRAM的FPGA结构由逻辑单元阵列来实现所需要的逻辑函数。FPGA中,互连线资源是预先定制的,这些资源是由各种长度的可分割金属线,缓冲器和.MOS管实现的,所以相对于ASIC中互连线所占用的面积更大。为了节省芯片面积,一般都采用单个MOS晶体管来连接逻辑资源。MOS晶体管的导通电阻可以达到千欧量级,可分割金属线段的电阻相对于MOS管来说是可以忽略的,然而它和地之间的电容达到了0.1pf[1]。为了评估FPGA的性能,用HSPICE仿真模型虽可以获得非常精确的结果,但是基于此模型需要花费太多的时间。这在基于时序驱动的工艺映射和布局布线以及静态时序分析中都是不可行的。于是,非常迫切地需要一种快速而精确的模型。 FPGA中连接盒、开关盒都是由MOS管组成的。FPGA中的时延很大部分取决于互连,而MOS传输晶体管在互连中又占了很大的比重。所以对于MOS管的建模对FPGA时延估算有很大的影响意义。对于MOS管,Muhammad[15]采用导通电阻来代替MOS管,然后用。Elmore[3]时延和Rubinstein[4]时延模型估算互连时延。Elmore时延用电路的一阶矩来近似信号到达最大值50%时的时延,而Rubinstein也是通过计算电路的一阶矩估算时延的上下边界来估算电路的时延,然而他们都是用来计算RC互连时延。传输管是非线性器件,所以没有一个固定的电阻,这就造成了Elmore时延和Rubinstein时延模型的过于近似的估算,对整体评估FPGA的性能带来负面因素。 本论文提出快速而精确的现场可编程门阵列FPGA中的互连资源MOS传输管时延模型。首先从阶跃信号推导出适合50%时延的等效电阻模型,然后在斜坡输入的时候,给出斜坡输入时的时延模型,并且给出等效电容的计算方法。结果验证了我们精确的时延模型在时间上的开销少的性能。 在岛型FPGA中,单个传输管能够被用来作为互连线和互连线之间的连接,或者互连线和管脚之间的连接,如VPR把互连线和管脚作为布线资源,管脚只能单独作为输入或者输出管脚,以致于它们不是一个线网的起点就是线网的终点。而这恰恰忽略了管脚实际在物理上可以作为互连线来使用的情况(VPR认为dogleg现象本身对性能提高不多)。本论文通过对dogleg现象进行了探索,并验证了在使用Subset开关盒的情况下,dogleg能提高FPGA的布通率。

    标签: FPGA 布线 法的研究

    上传时间: 2013-07-24


  • DVBstream is based on the ts-rtp package available at http://www.linuxtv.org. It broadcasts a (subs

    DVBstream is based on the ts-rtp package available at http://www.linuxtv.org. It broadcasts a (Subset of a) DVB transport stream over a LAN using the rtp protocol. There were a couple of small bugs in the original ts-rtp application, which I have fixed here.

    标签: broadcasts DVBstream available linuxtv

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • A program to find frequent itemsets (also closed and maximal) with the eclat algorithm ,which carrie

    A program to find frequent itemsets (also closed and maximal) with the eclat algorithm ,which carries out a depth first search on the Subset lattice and determines the support of itemsets by intersecting transaction lists.

    标签: algorithm frequent itemsets program

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • The Spectral Toolkit is a C++ spectral transform library written by Rodney James and Chuck Panaccion

    The Spectral Toolkit is a C++ spectral transform library written by Rodney James and Chuck Panaccione while at the National Center for Atmospheric Research between 2002 and 2005. The library contains a functional Subset of FFTPACK and SPHEREPACK, including real and complex FFTs in 1-3 dimensions, and a spherical harmonic transform. Multithreading is supported through POSIX threads for the multidimensional transforms. This reference guide provides details of the public interface as well as the internal implementation of the library.

    标签: Panaccion transform Spectral spectral

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • UC Library Extensions UnderC comes with a pocket implementation of the standard C++ libraries, wh

    UC Library Extensions UnderC comes with a pocket implementation of the standard C++ libraries, which is a reasonably faithful Subset. This documentation describes those UnderC functions and classes which are not part of the C++ standard. UC Library Builtin functions: Most of these are standard C functions, but there are a few unique to the UnderC system which give you runtime access to the compiler. You may evaluate expressions, execute commands, compile code, etc. * Expands the text in expr using the UnderC preprocessor, putting the result into buff. void uc_macro_subst(const char* expr, char* buff, int buffsize) * Executes a UC #-command, like #l or #help. uc_cmd() expects the name of the command, _without_ the hash, e.g. uc_cmd("l fred.cpp") or uc_cmd("help"). void uc_cmd(const char* cmd) * Evaluates any C++ expression or statement will return non-zero if unsuccessful.

    标签: implementation Extensions libraries standard

    上传时间: 2013-12-14
