

  • The MDP toolbox proposes functions related to the resolution of discrete-time Markov Decision Proces

    The MDP toolbox proposes functions related to the resolution of discrete-time Markov Decision Process : finite horizon, value iteration, policy iteration, linear programming algorithms with some variants. The functions (m-functions) were developped with MATLAB v6.0 (one of the functions requires the Mathworks Optimization Toolbox) by the decision team of the Biometry and Artificial Intelligence Unit of INRA Toulouse (France). The version 2.0 (February 2005) handles Sparse matrices and contains an example

    标签: discrete-time resolution functions Decision

    上传时间: 2013-12-31


  • The CoinUtils project is a collection of open-source utilities developed and used by a variety of ot

    The CoinUtils project is a collection of open-source utilities developed and used by a variety of other projects in the COIN-OR repository. The project includes classes for storing and manipulating Sparse matrices and vectors, performing matrix factorization, parsing input files in standard formats, building representations of mathematical programs, comparing floating point numbers with a tolerance, performing simple presolve operations, and warm starting algorithms for mathematical programs, among others.

    标签: open-source collection CoinUtils developed

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • The inverse of the gradient function. I ve provided versions that work on 1-d vectors, or 2-d or 3-d

    The inverse of the gradient function. I ve provided versions that work on 1-d vectors, or 2-d or 3-d arrays. In the 1-d case I offer 5 different methods, from cumtrapz, and an integrated cubic spline, plus several finite difference methods. In higher dimensions, only a finite difference/linear algebra solution is provided, but it is fully vectorized and fully Sparse in its approach. In 2-d and 3-d, if the gradients are inconsistent, then a least squares solution is generated

    标签: gradient function provided versions

    上传时间: 2016-11-07


  • Abstract - A fl exible multiscale and directional representation for images is proposed. The s

    Abstract - A fl exible multiscale and directional representation for images is proposed. The scheme combines directional fi lter banks with the Laplacian pyramid to provides a Sparse representation for two- dimensional piecewise smooth signals resembling images. The underlying expansion is a frame and can be designed to be a tight frame. Pyramidal directional fi lter banks provide an effective method to implement the digital curvelet transform. The regularity issue of the iterated fi lters in the directional fi lter bank is examined.

    标签: representation directional multiscale Abstract

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • Iterative Methods For Sparse Linear Systems


    标签: Iterative Methods Systems Linear Sparse

    上传时间: 2016-05-21


  • A Rate Adaptive Channel Estimation Approach

    In this paper, we consider the channel estimation problem in Millimeter wave (mmWave) wireless systems with large antenna arrays. By exploiting the inherent Sparse nature of the mmWave channel, we develop a novel rate-adaptive channel estimation (RACE) algorithm, which can adaptively adjust the number of required channel measurements based on an expected probability of estimation error (PEE).

    标签: Estimation Millimeter Adaptive Approach Channel Systems Rate MIMO Wave for

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • 斯坦福大学-深度学习基础教程.pdf

    斯坦福大学-深度学习基础教程.pdfUFLDL教程 From Ufldl 说明:本教程将阐述无监督特征学习和深入学习的主要观点。通过学习,你也将实现多个功能 学习/深度学习算法,能看到它们为你工作,并学习如何应用/适应这些想法到新问题上。 本教程假定机器学习的基本知识(特别是熟悉的监督学习,逻辑回归,梯度下降的想法),如果 你不熟悉这些想法,我们建议你去这里 机器学习课程 (http://openclassroom.stanford.edu/MainFolder/CoursePage.php? course=MachineLearning) ,并先完成第II,III,IV章(到逻辑回归)。 稀疏自编码器 神经网络 反向传导算法 梯度检验与高级优化 自编码算法与稀疏性 可视化自编码器训练结果 稀疏自编码器符号一览表 Exercise:Sparse Autoencoder 矢量化编程实现 矢量化编程 逻辑回归的向量化实现样例 神经网络向量化 Exercise:Vectorization

    标签: 深度学习

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 基于LTspice的开关电源设计及仿真

    引言开关电源(SMPS:Switch Mode Power Supply)是利用现代电力电子技术,控制开关管开通和关断的时问比率,维持稳定输出电压的一种电源·非隔离式DC/DC变换具有六种基本拓扑结构:降压(Buck)变换器升压(Boost)变换器极性反转升降压(Buck2Boost)变换器Cuk(Boost2Buck 联)变换器Sepic变换器Zeta变换器[-1,与线性电源相比,开关电源具有体积小重量轻效率高自身抗干扰性强输出电压范围宽模块化等优点。LTspice IV是LT公司推出的SPICE电路仿真软件,具有集成电路图捕获和波形观测功能。LTspice IV内置新型SPIE元件,能快速进行SMPS交互式仿真,且无元件或节点数目的限制.LTspice IV虽然与开关模式电源设计配合使用,但它并不是SMPS专用型SPICE软件,而是一款通用型SPICE-LTspice IV内置了LT公司新型Sparse矩阵求解器,采用专有的并行处理方法,实现了对任务的高效并行处理"。

    标签: ltspice 开关电源

    上传时间: 2022-06-26
