

  • BOSON NETSIM是目前最好的路由器模拟软件

    BOSON NETSIM是目前最好的路由器模拟软件,说是路由模拟有些片面,因为它不仅可以模拟路由器,同时可以模拟交换机,当然像3550这样的它是不可能模拟出来的,但用它来准备NA及NP的考试,是再合适不过的了,甚至有些IE的实验,通过它的自定义网络拓扑功能都可以实现,可以说功能强大之极,其他的模拟器无可与之相匹,当然了,除了CISCO专门为IE准备的CIM,那个就不是我们要讨论的范围了。 由于BOSON的加密技术比较厉害,想要破解它非常不易,所以,要找它的破解过的最新版十分困难 。这里我便分享一下我用了一个学期的BOSON NETSIM希望能给你们带来帮助。

    标签: NETSIM BOSON 路由器 模拟软件

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • 浙大acm课件


    标签: acm

    上传时间: 2014-08-26


  • This volume presents the state of the art concerning quality and interestingness measures for data m

    This volume presents the state of the art concerning quality and interestingness measures for data mining. The book summarizes recent developments and presents original research on this topic. The chapters include surveys, comparative studies of existing measures, proposals of new measures, simulations, and case studies. Both theoretical and applied chapters are included. Papers for this book were selected and reviewed for correctness and completeness by an international review committee.

    标签: interestingness concerning the presents

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • 全书从算法设计和算法分析的基本概念和方法入手


    标签: 算法设计 算法分析 基本概念

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • The MINI2440 is an effecient ARM9 development board with a comprehensive price, it characterizes sim

    The MINI2440 is an effecient ARM9 development board with a comprehensive price, it characterizes simple method and high performance-price ratio. Based on the Samsung S3C2440 microprocessor, it embodies professional stable CPU core power source chip and reset chip to ensure the stability of the system operation. The PCB on the MINI2440 board is designed to be 4-layers board, adopting the ENIG technology and professional equal-length wiring to ensure the completeness of the signals of the key signal wires and manufactured and released under stringent quality control plans. With the help of this detailed manual, users are supposed to become proficient in the development process of embedded Linux and WinCE operating system, they are supposed to get the foundation, so long as they have obtained the basic and necessary knowledge about the C language, in two weeks.

    标签: comprehensive characterizes development effecient

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • 对参加ACM竞赛非常有用的几个ACM答题模板(数论


    标签: ACM 竞赛 模板

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • 免疫算法和模拟退火算法求解TSP问题的研究。本文提出了一种新的免疫模拟退火法


    标签: TSP 免疫算法 免疫 模拟退火算法

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • 免疫算法和模拟退火算法求解TSP问题的研究 本文提出了一种新的免疫模拟退火算法

    免疫算法和模拟退火算法求解TSP问题的研究 本文提出了一种新的免疫模拟退火算法,并将其应用于求解典型的NP问题—TSP问题

    标签: TSP 模拟退火算法 免疫算法 免疫

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • 计算本征值程序

    Computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix a, ! which is of size n by n, stored in a physical np by np array. ! On output, elements of a above the diagonal are destroyed. ! d returns the eigenvalues of a in its first n elements. ! v is a matrix with the same logical and physical dimensions as a, ! whose columns contain, on output, the normalized eigenvectors of a. ! nrot returns the number of Jacobi rotations that were required. ! Please notice that the eigenvalues are not ordered on output. ! If the sorting is desired, the addintioal routine "eigsrt" ! can be invoked to reorder the output of jacobi.

    标签: 计算 程序

    上传时间: 2016-06-04


  • 异步电机模型Matalab仿真

    利用simulink搭建异步电机模型; 掌握异步电机各参数对各输出的影响。 1.搭建异步电机模型,电机参数:定子电阻Rs=1欧姆,转子电阻Rr=1欧姆,定子漏感系数=1mH,转子漏感系数=1mH,互感系数=20mH,转动惯量Jm=0.25kgm^2,极对数Np=4。 2.用幅值为380V,频率为50Hz,相位互差120度的三相励磁交流电压供电。先空载启动观察各输出变化,然后在空载稳定后突加200Nm负载观察各输出变化。 3.分别改变Rs,Rr,Jm值,观察输出数据变化。

    标签: Matalab 异步电机 仿真 模型

    上传时间: 2018-04-02
