

  • 经典C语言程序设计100例1-10 如【程序1】 题目:有1、2、3、4个数字

    经典C语言程序设计100例1-10 如【程序1】 题目:有1、2、3、4个数字,能组成多少个互不相同且无重复数字的三位数?都是多少? 1.程序分析:可填在百位、十位、个位的数字都是1、2、3、4。组成所有的排列后再去        掉不满足条件的排列。 2.程序源代码: main() { int i,j,k printf("\n") for(i=1 i<5 i++)    /*以下为三重循环*/   for(j=1 j<5 j++)     for (k=1 k<5 k++)     {      if (i!=k&&i!=j&&j!=k)    /*确保i、j、k三位互不相同*/      printf("%d,%d,%d\n",i,j,k)     } }

    标签: 100 10 C语言 程序设计

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • This script was designed as a stand alone script which can be easily intergrate into any existing we

    This script was designed as a stand alone script which can be easily intergrate into any existing website as it is,but if you want to intergrate it into a site which uses a content management format, then some alterations will have to be done for it to work properly. Remember this is a project and I am constantly working to improve it, so I can t guarantee that it will work for everyones needs, but dammmmd close.

    标签: script intergrate designed existing

    上传时间: 2015-11-29


  • First of all, the Applet-phone is a SIP User-Agent with audio and text messaging capabilities. But

    First of all, the Applet-phone is a SIP User-Agent with audio and text messaging capabilities. But i s also embedded in an applet where you can use it as usual if your firewall allow you to use the UDP transport. If not, you can use TCP to carry your voice in a voice messaging fashion. Your voice is recorded and encoded locally then sent as a message, decoded and played back by your peer. Voice messaging allow you to go through any firewall, so that you can continue to chat and talk with your friends from an applet !

    标签: Applet-phone capabilities User-Agent messaging

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • Author: wei liu Summary: simulation of binary and non-binary bch decoder MATLAB Release: R1

    Author: wei liu Summary: simulation of binary and non-binary bch decoder MATLAB Release: R14SP1 Required Products: Communications Toolbox Description: simulation of binary bch decoding algorithm for bch(n, k) with t bits error correction capability.

    标签: simulation non-binary Summary Release

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • 假设在一个ad hoc网络中

    假设在一个ad hoc网络中,移动节点的发射功率PTx总是恒定的。要发送数据的移动节点总是先监听信道,测量接收到的信号功率X,其中X= I + N, I为接收到的干扰,N是噪声。移动节点只有在X<INThre时,才可以发射。式中,INThre为背景噪声门限。 在仿真中,我们规定每个移动节点的发射功率是常数,PTx = 1W;接收节点接收机的灵敏度Smin = -80 dBm;信号质量 min = 2 dB;系统的背景噪声门限INThre = 1.2e-10。

    标签: hoc 网络

    上传时间: 2016-03-15


  • 根据有无固定基础设施

    根据有无固定基础设施,无线局域网又可分为BSS (Basic Service Set)和IBSS (Independent Basic Service Set)。我们要研究的ad hoc网络属于后者。假设在一个ad hoc网络中,移动节点的发射功率PTx总是恒定的。要发送数据的移动节点总是先监听信道,测量接收到的信号功率X,其中X= I + N, I为接收到的干扰,N是噪声。移动节点只有在X<INThre时,才可以发射。式中,INThre为背景噪声门限。 在仿真中,我们规定每个移动节点的发射功率是常数,PTx = 1W;接收节点接收机的灵敏度Smin = -80 dBm;信号质量 min = 2 dB;系统的背景噪声门限INThre = 1.2e-10。


    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • segment,一个简单的中文分词程序

    segment,一个简单的中文分词程序,命令行如下: java -jar segmenter.jar [-b|-g|-8|-s|-t] inputfile.txt -b Big5, -g GB2312, -8 UTF-8, -s simp. chars, -t trad. chars Segmented text will be saved to inputfile.txt.seg

    标签: segment 程序

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • 河內塔問題 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int fun_a(int) void fun_b(int,int,int,in

    河內塔問題 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int fun_a(int) void fun_b(int,int,int,int) int main(void) { int n int option printf("題目二:河內塔問題\n") printf("請輸入要搬移的圓盤數目\n") scanf("%d",&n) printf("最少搬移的次數為%d次\n",fun_a(n)) printf("是否顯示移動過程? 是請輸入1,否則輸入0\n") scanf("%d",&option) if(option==1) { fun_b(n,1,2,3) } system("pause") return 0 } int fun_a(int n) { int sum1=2,sum2=0,i for(i=n i>1 i--) { sum1=sum1*2 } sum2=sum1-1 return sum2 } void fun_b(int n,int left,int mid,int right) { if(n==1) printf("把第%d個盤子從第%d座塔移動到第%d座塔\n",n,left,right) else { fun_b(n-1,left,right,mid) printf("把第%d個盤子從第%d座塔移動到第%d座塔\n",n,left,right) fun_b(n-1,mid,left,right) } }

    标签: int include stdlib fun_a

    上传时间: 2016-12-07


  • 这是LLE的原始算法

    这是LLE的原始算法,原文的参考文献是:S.T.Roweis and L.K.Saul. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding. Science, 290, 2000.

    标签: LLE 算法

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • java开发的病原监护系统 加了exe 的壳子

    java开发的病原监护系统 加了exe 的壳子,解压后 去掉.exe后缀 可查看里面的源代码和工程文件 有问题可以联系我l i g t 120@163.com(去掉前面空格)

    标签: java exe 监护系统

    上传时间: 2017-01-14
