

  • Fast orthonormal PAST algorithm

    abed-meraim IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING Letters, VOL. 7, NO. 3, MARCH 2000

    标签: orthonormal algorithm Fast PAST

    上传时间: 2020-04-29


  • The+Mobile+Radio+Propagation+Channel

    Some tine ago it become apparent the the first edition of this book was rapidly approaching its sell-by date,since many aspects needed revise.There were two obvious courses of action : to forget the whole thing and concentrate my energies on other pursuits such as golf or fishing, or to embark on a new edition.For several reasons Iwas persuaded that a new edition was a worthwhile endeavour;many people had made complimentary remakrs or written complinentary Letters about the first edition and I understood that it had become a recommended text for several postgraduate coures.

    标签: TMobile Radio Propagation Channel

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
