

  • 用户输入信息


    标签: 用户 输入

    上传时间: 2016-07-27


  • Name Function --- --- --- --- --- --- Check_SST_39VF160 Check manufacturer and device ID CFI_Que

    Name Function --- --- --- --- --- --- Check_SST_39VF160 Check manufacturer and device ID CFI_Query CFI Query Entry/EXIT command sequence Erase_Entire_Chip Erase the contents of the entire chip Erase_One_Sector Erase a sector of 2048 word Erase_One_Block Erase a block of 32K word Program_One_Word Alter data in one word Program_One_Sector Alter data in 2048 word sector Program_One_Block Alter data in 32K word block Check_Toggle_Ready End of internal program or erase detection using Toggle bit Check_Data_Polling End of internal program or erase detection using Data# polling

    标签: manufacturer Check_SST Function CFI_Que

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • 操作系统接口:兼容Unix 和Linux 命令接口。 为Windows 操作系统建立一个兼容Unix 命令的命令接口; 实现命令包括ls,cat,cp,rm,mv,ren,mkdir,rmdi

    操作系统接口:兼容Unix 和Linux 命令接口。 为Windows 操作系统建立一个兼容Unix 命令的命令接口; 实现命令包括ls,cat,cp,rm,mv,ren,mkdir,rmdir,cd,help,EXIT命令的内容与详细格式请查阅unix 命令手册; 可以字符形式接收命令,执行命令,然后显示命令执行结果。

    标签: Unix Windows Linux mkdir

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • 欢迎使用蓝牙联网坦克大战

    欢迎使用蓝牙联网坦克大战,运行平台为Symbian OS 使用说明: 1.打开应用程序,进入手机游戏之后,有三种模式可供您选择。 Stand Alone模式为单机模式,Server为服务器模式,如果要想用 蓝牙进行连接,请先选择此模式,然后等待开启客户端模式。 Client模式为客户端模式,进入此模式之后,选择所要的服务器, 然后等待服务器 开启游戏。 2.在蓝牙连接下,连接建立好之后,由服务器进入游戏状态, 玩家即可开始游戏。 3.方向键控制着坦克运行方向,回车键控制炮弹发射。当己方 司令部被攻克时,游戏结束。 4.游戏结束时,按“restart”可重新开始;在服务器端点“EXIT“,则两端游戏均退出 游戏胜负判定: 胜利:当玩家消灭敌方坦克数量为10时,玩家赢 失败:如果玩家被敌人干掉,或者司令部被玩家攻破,则游戏失败

    标签: 蓝牙 联网

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • 应用UNIX的fork()等系统调用

    应用UNIX的fork()等系统调用,编写一个c程序具有以下功能: a) 实现Shell的基本功能,包括有:打印提示符;接受和分析命令行(滤去无效的空格、tab符号以及换行符等);执行命令(要有出错处理;输入EXIT或者bye退出);返回父进程; b) 处理后台程序(不需要wait) c) 处理多行命令(分析命令行中的‘ ’并处理之) d)应用 dup(), pipe()系统调用具有输入输出重定向以及管道功能;

    标签: UNIX fork 系统调用

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down

    Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one EXIT that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT

    标签: nothing program windows simple

    上传时间: 2016-12-26


  • Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down

    Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one EXIT that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT

    标签: nothing program windows simple

    上传时间: 2014-12-19


  • Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down

    Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one EXIT that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT

    标签: nothing program windows simple

    上传时间: 2016-12-26


  • Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down

    Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one EXIT that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT

    标签: nothing program windows simple

    上传时间: 2016-12-26


  • Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down

    Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one EXIT that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT

    标签: nothing program windows simple

    上传时间: 2016-12-26
