

  • 这篇指导资料的目的是介绍OSWorkflow的所有概念

    这篇指导资料的目的是介绍OSWorkflow的所有概念,指导你如何使用它,并且保证你逐步理解OSWorkflow的关键内容。 本指导资料假定你已经部署OSWorkflow的范例应用在你的Container上。范例应用部署是使用基于内存的数据存储,这样你不需要担心如何配置其他持久化的例子。范例应用的目的是为了说明如何应用OSWorkflow,一旦你精通了OSWorkflow的流程定义描述符概念和要素,应该能通过阅读这些流程定义文件而了解实际的流程。

    标签: OSWorkflow

    上传时间: 2014-12-07


  • 本书由知名的C++专家Matthew H.Austern执笔

    本书由知名的C++专家Matthew H.Austern执笔,引导你进入泛型编程思维模型,并将你带往此一模型的最重要成品:C++ Standard Template Library(STL)。本书揭示STL的奥秘,告诉你STL不仅仅是一组方便运用的容器类(Container classes)。对于泛型组件和可交互作用的组件而言,STL是一个具备扩充能力的框架(framework)、 《泛型编程与STL》阐述了泛型编程的中心思想:concepts、modeling、refinement,并为你展示这些思想如何导出STL的基础概念:iterators、Containers、function objects。循此路线,你可以把STL想像为一个由concepts(而非明确之functions或classes)组成的程序库:、你将学习其正式结构并因此获得其潜在威力所带来的完整优势。本书使你能够: ●以你自己的“可移植组件”及“可交互作用之泛型组件”扩充STL; ●产生一些算法,让它们和它们所处理之型别(types)及数据结构彻底划清界线; ●撰写更精致、更高效、更有效力的代码,可跨平台重复使用。

    标签: Matthew Austern

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • CFlowchartEditor is an extension of CDiagramEditor. CDiagramEditor is a vector editor, with a CWnd-d

    CFlowchartEditor is an extension of CDiagramEditor. CDiagramEditor is a vector editor, with a CWnd-derived window (CDiagramEditor), a data Container (CDiagramEntityContainer) holding the draw-objects, undo stack and managing copy and paste, and objects derived from CDiagramEntity representing objects drawn on screen. CDiagramEditor lacks one feature (that is difficult to implement in both simple and general fashion) - links. Manually maintaining links in a - for example - flowchart or network topography map is unwieldy. Therefore, I ve created a reference implementation for one way of adding this functionality.

    标签: CDiagramEditor CFlowchartEditor extension CWnd-d

    上传时间: 2015-11-21


  • C++STL STL(Standard Template Library

    C++STL STL(Standard Template Library,标准模板库)是惠普实验室开发的一系列软件的统称。它是由Alexander Stepanov、Meng Lee和David R Musser在惠普实验室工作时所开发出来的。现在虽说它主要出现在C++中,但在被引入C++之前该技术就已经存在了很长的一段时间。 STL的代码从广义上讲分为三类:algorithm(算法)、Container(容器)和iterator(迭代器),几乎所有的代码都采用了模板类和模版函数的方式,这相比于传统的由函数和类组成的库来说提供了更好的代码重用机会。在C++标准中,STL被组织为下面的13个头文件:<algorithm>、<deque>、<functional>、<iterator>、<vector>、<list>、<map>、<memory>、<numeric>、<queue>、<set>、<stack>和<utility>。以下笔者就简单介绍一下STL各个部分的主要特点。

    标签: STL Standard Template Library

    上传时间: 2016-06-19


  • sourceforge历史版本完整下载: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=202044 提供了基于b树索引算法的文件数据数据

    sourceforge历史版本完整下载: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=202044 提供了基于b树索引算法的文件数据数据库模块详见storage/目录下面的 btree.c与pager.c Container目录为常用的容器实现,如果rbtree avltree map heap list vector hashtable deque T树 B树, test目录为测试程序代码经过初步测试,比较稳定。 os_api:装一些操作系统相关的接口函数。已完成event mutex sem thread pipe相关的封装 advance_Container:提供优先级消息队列,普通消息队列,定时器容器。 frame:目前提供了listerner(linux下版本,模仿ace的反应器)定时器 algorithm:补充了堆排序 与快速排序 所有代码均已在windows linux与uclinux + arm44b0平台下测试 欢迎交流 msn:lsccsl@163.net mail:lsccsl@tom.com

    标签: sourceforge showfiles group_id project

    上传时间: 2016-07-16


  • MPEG-2 has 7 distinct parts as well. The first part is the Systems section which defines the contain

    MPEG-2 has 7 distinct parts as well. The first part is the Systems section which defines the Container format and the Transport Streams that are designed to carry the digital video and audio over ATSC and DVB. The Program Stream defines the Container format for lossy compression on optical disks, DVDs and SVCDs.

    标签: the distinct Systems defines

    上传时间: 2014-07-02


  • portal越来越流行了


    标签: portal

    上传时间: 2017-02-15


  • stl的入门ppt 很好用哦

    stl的入门ppt 很好用哦,分为导入 STL的概念与组成 Iterator(迭代器) Container(容器) Algorithm(算法) Adaptors(配接器)

    标签: stl

    上传时间: 2017-02-24


  • This is a Flex UIComponent that can be used 谋n a FLEX 3 mxml application as component written in act

    This is a Flex UIComponent that can be used 谋n a FLEX 3 mxml application as component written in action script 3.0, provides you to create items that cab be filled from an XML or Query ResultSet or etc. and is viewed in a Container that can preview images and additional info like a store item and can be added to shopp谋ng chart , and also can be deleted from that shopp谋ng chart

    标签: UIComponent application component written

    上传时间: 2013-12-08


  • Learn how to: * Tokenize a null-terminated string * Create a search and re

    Learn how to: * Tokenize a null-terminated string * Create a search and replace function for strings * Implement subtraction for string objects * Use the vector, deque, and list sequence Containers * Use the Container adaptors stack, queue, and priority_queue * Use the map, multimap, set, and multiset associative Containers * Reverse, rotate, and shuffle a sequence * Create a function object * Use binders, negators, and iterator adapters * Read and write files * Use stream iterators to handle file I/O * Use exceptions to handle I/O errors * Create custom inserters and extractors * Format date, time, and numeric data * Use facets and the localization library * Overload the [ ], ( ), and -> operators * Create an explicit constructor * And much, much more

    标签: null-terminated Tokenize Create string

    上传时间: 2014-01-18
