

  • History : Author : JAG (Jagatpreet Singh) % Created on : 05022003 (Friday. 2nd May, 2003) % Commen

    History : Author : JAG (Jagatpreet Singh) % Created on : 05022003 (Friday. 2nd May, 2003) % Comments : The basic PSO algorithm. % Modified on : 0710003 (Thursday. 10th July, 2003) % Comments : It uses psoOptions structure now. More organized.标准粒子群优化算法工具箱

    标签: Jagatpreet 05022003 History Created

    上传时间: 2016-12-15


  • The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm Status of this Memo This memo provides information for the I

    The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm Status of this Memo This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Acknowlegements We would like to thank Don Coppersmith, Burt Kaliski, Ralph Merkle, David Chaum, and Noam Nisan for numerous helpful Comments and suggestions.

    标签: Message-Digest information Algorithm provides

    上传时间: 2013-12-03


  • Overview If you have been wanting to learn Java, check out the newly revised fourth edition of the

    Overview If you have been wanting to learn Java, check out the newly revised fourth edition of the best-seller Sams Teach Yourself Programming with Java in 24 Hours. This step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to create simple Java programs and applets. Comprised of 24 one-hour lessons, this new edition focuses on key programming concepts and essential Java basics, has been improved by dozens of reader Comments, and is reorganized to better cover the latest developments in Java. The book s coverage of core Java programming topics has also been expanded. A great starting point for learning Java, this book is also a great primer to reading sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days.

    标签: the Overview edition wanting

    上传时间: 2017-01-10


  • Custom Visual Basic Packager and Installer for Visual Basic Developers. This is a group of standard

    Custom Visual Basic Packager and Installer for Visual Basic Developers. This is a group of standard exe projects 1. Packager 2. Setup1 The packager works like Visual basic Application deployment Wizard. And the setup1 project is used for the installation of the package. This project demonstrates how to compile visual basic project without launching the Vb6 kit and retrieving the dependency Files of any Visual basic project (although roughly done without any specific algorithm), Somebody can help me with this. I don’ t have time for the project, so I don’ t want any comment on the code indentation or arrangement and variable scoping. Comments are in the code therefore it would not be a problem to understand the code. If anyone wants to vote, I will like it Oh! I found some of the setup1 code and modify it with new features, so i have no or less credit for the setup1 project I felt like sharing code with PSCites. Thats why I made it

    标签: Visual Basic Developers Installer

    上传时间: 2017-02-25


  • I ll probably write up a short article next week outlining how the ActionScript works, so people can

    I ll probably write up a short article next week outlining how the ActionScript works, so people can modify it, and work with it more easily in Flex. You can download the component and source code here. There are some instructions in the FLA on how to use it. Note that this is not a compiled component, so it won t show up in the components panel. You will have to copy the component, and the source file into your project. If anyone really wants a compiled version, let me know and I can provide one. As always, I d love to hear how people use it, and would appreciate it if you would post back to the Comments if you make any significant modifications so that other people can benefit from them.

    标签: ActionScript outlining probably article

    上传时间: 2017-04-20


  • program to solve a finite difference discretization of Helmholtz equation : (

    program to solve a finite difference discretization of Helmholtz equation : (d2/dx2)u + (d2/dy2)u - alpha u = f using Jacobi iterative method. Comments: OpenMP version 3: 1 PR outside the iteration loop, 4 Barriers Directives are used in this code to achieve paralleism. All do loops are parallized with default static scheduling.

    标签: discretization difference Helmholtz equation

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • This is the project README file. Here, you should describe your project. Tell the reader (someone w

    This is the project README file. Here, you should describe your project. Tell the reader (someone who does not know anything about this project) all he/she needs to know. The Comments should usually include at least:

    标签: project the describe someone

    上传时间: 2017-06-21


  • A certification path is an ordered list of certificates starting with a certificate issued by the re

    A certification path is an ordered list of certificates starting with a certificate issued by the relying party s trust root, and ending with the target certificate that needs to be validated. Certification path validation procedures are based on the algorithm supplied in ITU-T Recommendation X.509 and further defined in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) 3280. Certification path processing verifies the binding between the subject distinguished name and/or subject alternative name and the subject public key defined in the target certificate. The binding is limited by constraints, which are specified in the certificates that comprise the path, and inputs that are specified by the relying party. To ensure secure interoperation of PKI-enabled applications, the path validation must be done in accordance with the X.509 and RFC 3280 specifications. This document provides the test assertions and the test cases for testing path validation software against these specifications.

    标签: certification certificates certificate starting

    上传时间: 2017-07-31


  • MATLAB Tutorial : For the beginners in MATLAB, this example code will provide a great jump start.

    MATLAB Tutorial : For the beginners in MATLAB, this example code will provide a great jump start. The code has comprehensive Comments to elaborate the functionality explicitly.

    标签: MATLAB beginners Tutorial example

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • mpu6050

    Aidaohuakai( 楼主 ) 2013-8-22 11:45:24  只看该作者23307 | 41倒序浏览 论坛上对mpu6050的资料和讨论并不多,很多坛友都说驱动失败,老是显示0. 以下就谈谈我的一些血与泪的教训:    昨天开始接触mpu6050,在网上查了很多资料,下载程序,准备一展身手。首先看了mpu6050中文资料,之后又看了那个mpu6050的测试程序,把这些看明白之后就开始写程序了。我不是直接把程序复制过去,只是复制mpu6050的地址和初始化,IIC并没有复制,就复制我上次写的24C02的那个程序,想不到,这给了我血与泪的教训,我原来是直接把IIC复制过来的,并没有多留意。之后初始化mpu6050,写入地址,读出数据,下载到单片机之后,LCD上显示000001,我感到郁闷,之后又调试,以为是显示不对,又写显示,之后又下载,结果还是老样,这样半天就过去了。驱动没成功,又怀疑芯片或引脚有问题,继续调试,也没成功。就一一对应地看了地址,又看了初始化,发现没错,调试还是不成功。最后干脆不接IIC总线,竟然发现了个天大的秘密,接不接IIC,LCD都显示000001,我又用示波器测试波形,发现波形正确。在网上又查了别人的资料,在论坛上也很少有关于mpu6050的资料,也看了比别人的一些讨论。很多坛友都说驱动失败,老是显示0.    没办法,一天就这样过去了,今天早上,我又仔细看了程序,出乎我的想象,竟然是IIC的那个地址没改,原来写24C02的那个地址是a0,还是原封不动,把我吓了一跳。把这些改过来之后,一切正常,能显示加速度和陀螺仪。血与泪的教训啊,是自己不细心造成的,忘记改地址!今天早上竟然花了不到2个钟就调出来了,惊喜之时就写了这个分享,希望对大家有用。

    标签: 圆点博士小四轴

    上传时间: 2015-04-14
