

  • We have a group of N items (represented by integers from 1 to N), and we know that there is some tot

    We have a group of N items (represented by integers from 1 to N), and we know that there is some total order defined for these items. You may assume that no two elements will be equal (for all a, b: a<b or b<a). However, it is expensive to compare two items. Your task is to make a number of comparisons, and then output the sorted order. The cost of determining if a < b is given by the bth integer of element a of costs (space delimited), which is the same as the ATH integer of element b. Naturally, you will be judged on the total cost of the comparisons you make before outputting the sorted order. If your order is incorrect, you will receive a 0. Otherwise, your score will be opt/cost, where opt is the best cost anyone has achieved and cost is the total cost of the comparisons you make (so your score for a test case will be between 0 and 1). Your score for the problem will simply be the sum of your scores for the individual test cases.

    标签: represented integers group items

    上传时间: 2016-01-16


  • 运动会源代码

    #include <malloc.h>       #include <stdio.h>       #include <stdlib.h>       #include <string.h>       #define NULL 0      #define MaxSize 30          typedef struct ATHletestruct /*运动员*/     {         char name[20];          int score; /*分数*/         int range; /**/         int item; /*项目*/     }ATH;     typedef struct schoolstruct /*学校*/     {         int count; /*编号*/         int serial; /**/          int menscore; /*男选手分数*/         int womenscore; /*女选手分数*/         int totalscore; /*总分*/         ATH ATHlete[MaxSize]; /**/         struct schoolstruct *next;      }SCH;         int nsc,msp,wsp;      int ntsp;      int i,j;      int overgame;      int serial,range;      int n;      SCH *head,*pfirst,*psecond;      int *phead=NULL,*pafirst=NULL,*pasecond=NULL;     void create();         void input ()     {         char answer;          head = (SCH *)malloc(sizeof(SCH)); /**/         head->next = NULL;         pfirst = head;          answer = 'y';         while ( answer == 'y' )         {         Is_Game_DoMain:         printf("\nGET Top 5 when odd\nGET Top 3 when even");         printf("\n输入运动项目序号 (x<=%d):",ntsp);         scanf("%d",pafirst);         overgame = *pafirst;         if ( pafirst != phead )         {             for ( pasecond = phead ; pasecond < pafirst ; pasecond ++ )             {                 if ( overgame == *pasecond )                 {                     printf("\n这个项目已经存在请选择其他的数字\n");                     goto Is_Game_DoMain;                 }             }         }         pafirst = pafirst + 1;         if ( overgame > ntsp )         {             printf("\n项目不存在");             printf("\n请重新输入");             goto Is_Game_DoMain;         }         switch ( overgame%2 )         {         case 0: n = 3;break;         case 1: n = 5;break;         }         for ( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ )         {         Is_Serial_DoMain:         printf("\n输入序号 of the NO.%d (0<x<=%d): ",i,nsc);                 scanf("%d",&serial);         if ( serial > nsc )          {             printf("\n超过学校数目,请重新输入");             goto Is_Serial_DoMain;         }         if ( head->next == NULL )          {             create();         }         psecond = head->next ;          while ( psecond != NULL )          {             if ( psecond->serial == serial )             {                 pfirst = psecond;                 pfirst->count = pfirst->count + 1;                 goto Store_Data;             }             else             {                 psecond = psecond->next;             }         }         create();         Store_Data:                 pfirst->ATHlete[pfirst->count].item = overgame;         pfirst->ATHlete[pfirst->count].range = i;         pfirst->serial = serial;         printf("Input name:) : ");                 scanf("%s",pfirst->ATHlete[pfirst->count].name);         }         printf("\n继续输入运动项目(y&n)?");         answer = getchar();         printf("\n");         }     }         void calculate() /**/     {         pfirst = head->next;         while ( pfirst->next != NULL )         {             for (i=1;i<=pfirst->count;i++)             {                 if ( pfirst->ATHlete[i].item % 2 == 0 )                  {                     switch (pfirst->ATHlete[i].range)                     {                     case 1:pfirst->ATHlete[i].score = 5;break;                     case 2:pfirst->ATHlete[i].score = 3;break;                     case 3:pfirst->ATHlete[i].score = 2;break;                     }                 }                 else                  {                     switch (pfirst->ATHlete[i].range)                     {                     case 1:pfirst->ATHlete[i].score = 7;break;                     case 2:pfirst->ATHlete[i].score = 5;break;                     case 3:pfirst->ATHlete[i].score = 3;break;                     case 4:pfirst->ATHlete[i].score = 2;break;                     case 5:pfirst->ATHlete[i].score = 1;break;                     }                 }                 if ( pfirst->ATHlete[i].item <=msp )                  {                     pfirst->menscore = pfirst->menscore + pfirst->ATHlete[i].score;                 }                 else                  {                     pfirst->womenscore = pfirst->womenscore + pfirst->ATHlete[i].score;                 }             }             pfirst->totalscore = pfirst->menscore + pfirst->womenscore;             pfirst = pfirst->next;         }     }         void output()     {         pfirst = head->next;         psecond = head->next;         while ( pfirst->next != NULL )          {             // clrscr();              printf("\n第%d号学校的结果成绩:",pfirst->serial);             printf("\n\n项目的数目\t学校的名字\t分数");             for (i=1;i<=ntsp;i++)              {                 for (j=1;j<=pfirst->count;j++)                  {                     if ( pfirst->ATHlete[j].item == i )                     {                                                                         printf("\n %d\t\t\t\t\t\t%s\n %d",i,pfirst->ATHlete[j].name,pfirst->ATHlete[j].score);break;                                             }                 }             }             printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t按任意建 进入下一页");             getchar();             pfirst = pfirst->next;         }     //  clrscr();          printf("\n运动会结果:\n\n学校编号\t男运动员成绩\t女运动员成绩\t总分");         pfirst = head->next;         while ( pfirst->next != NULL )         {             printf("\n %d\t\t %d\t\t %d\t\t %d",pfirst->serial,pfirst->menscore,pfirst->womenscore,pfirst->totalscore);             pfirst = pfirst->next;         }         printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t按任意建结束");         getchar();     }         void create()     {                 pfirst = (struct schoolstruct *)malloc(sizeof(struct schoolstruct));         pfirst->next = head->next ;         head->next = pfirst ;                 pfirst->count = 1;         pfirst->menscore = 0;         pfirst->womenscore = 0;         pfirst->totalscore = 0;     }     void Save()     {FILE *fp;     if((fp = fopen("school.dat","wb"))==NULL)     {printf("can't open school.dat\n");     fclose(fp);     return;     }     fwrite(pfirst,sizeof(SCH),10,fp);     fclose(fp);     printf("文件已经成功保存\n");     }         void main()     {         system("cls");         printf("\n\t\t\t 运动会分数统计\n");         printf("输入学校数目 (x>= 5):");         scanf("%d",&nsc);          printf("输入男选手的项目(x<=20):");         scanf("%d",&msp);          printf("输入女选手项目(<=20):");         scanf("%d",&wsp);          ntsp = msp + wsp;                  phead = (int *)calloc(ntsp,sizeof(int));         pafirst = phead;         pasecond = phead;         input();         calculate();          output();         Save();     }             

    标签: 源代码

    上传时间: 2016-12-28
