

  • A Quadrotor simulation that is performed in MATLAB and SIMULINK

    A Quadrotor simulation that is performed in MATLAB and SIMULINK

    标签: simulation Quadrotor performed SIMULINK

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • Quadrotor system ID using matlab and simulink

    Quadrotor system ID using matlab and simulink

    标签: Quadrotor simulink matlab system

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • 通过提高保证成本的状态延迟控制和量子自适应控制的一台四轮直升机的控制策略

    Improved guaranteed cost control and quantum adaptive control are developed in this study for a Quadrotor helicopter with state delay and actuator faults. Improved guaranteed cost control is designed to eliminate disturbance effects and guarantee the robust stability of a Quadrotor helicopter with state delay. The inapplicability of guaranteed cost control to the Quadrotor linear model is addressed by combining guaranteed cost control with a model reference linear quadratic regulator. In the event of actuator faults, Quadrotor tracking performance is maintained through quantum adaptive control. Finally, the availability of the proposed scheme is verified through numerical simulation

    标签: Control Helicopter Guaranteed Quadrotor Adaptive Strategy Improved Quantum Delay State

    上传时间: 2017-07-15


  • 基于STM32简易四轴飞行器制作PCB+原理图资料

    四轴飞行器又称四旋翼飞行器、四旋翼直升机,简称四轴、四旋翼。这四轴飞行器(Quadrotor)是一种多旋翼飞行器。四轴飞行器的四个螺旋桨都是电机直连的简单机构,十字形的布局允许飞行器通过改变电机转速获得旋转机身的力,从而调整自身姿态。电机1和电机3逆时针旋转的同时,电机2和电机4顺时针旋转,因此当飞行器平衡飞行时,陀螺效应和空气动力扭矩效应均被抵消。四轴飞行器是一个在空间具有6个活动自由度(分别沿3个坐标轴作平移和旋转动作),但是只有4个控制自由度(四个电机的转速)的系统,因此被称为欠驱动系统(只有当控制自由度等于活动自由度的时候才是完整驱动系统)。不过对于姿态控制本身(分别沿3个坐标轴作旋转动作),它确实是完整驱动的。与直升机相比,四轴飞行器可以实现的飞行姿态较少,不过基本的前进、后退、平移等状态都可以实现。但是四轴飞行器的机械结构远远比直升机简单,维修和更换的开销也非常小,这让四轴飞行器有了比直升机更大的应用优势。自动控制原理为了保持飞行器的稳定飞行,在四轴飞行器上装有3个方向的陀螺仪和3 轴加速度传感器组成惯性导航模块,可以计算出飞行器此时相对地面的姿态以及加速度、角速度。飞行控制器通过算法计算保持运动状态时所需的旋转力和升力,通过电子调控器来保证电机输出合适的力。

    标签: stm32 四轴飞行器 pcb

    上传时间: 2022-06-10
