

  • Absolute Database 6 VCL for Delphi2009

    Absolute Database 6 VCL for Delphi2009

    标签: Absolute Database Delphi 2009

    上传时间: 2017-03-31


  • a robots book for people who don t know the first thing about robotics! Absolute Beginner s Guide to

    a robots book for people who don t know the first thing about robotics! Absolute Beginner s Guide to Robots is well-written, inviting, and action-packed, with engaging ideas and fascinating factoids about robots and robot-related arts and sciences.

    标签: Absolute Beginner robotics robots

    上传时间: 2017-07-06


  • Java for Absolute beginners. e.book

    Java for Absolute beginners. e.book

    标签: beginners Absolute Java book

    上传时间: 2014-08-27


  • The uIP implementation is designed to have only the Absolute minimal set of features needed for a fu

    The uIP implementation is designed to have only the Absolute minimal set of features needed for a full TCP/IP stack. It can only handle a single network interface and contains only a rudimentary UDP implementation, but focuses on the IP, ICMP and TCP protocols. uIP is written in the C programming language.

    标签: implementation designed Absolute features

    上传时间: 2017-08-08


  • C programmming second edition for the Absolute BEGINNER

    C programmming second edition for the Absolute BEGINNER

    标签: programmming Absolute BEGINNER edition

    上传时间: 2017-09-03


  • Absolute C++

    C++初学者比较好的一本参考书 本书是一本全面、易用的C++编程语言教程。作者用清晰、简洁的风格讲解概念和技术,帮助读者掌握控制结构、函数、数组、指针和串、类和数据抽象、运算符重载、文件处理以及数据结构等关键内容。每章中间的自测练习、章末的编程练习、丰富的实例、大量的代码等,都为读者提供了掌握C++编程概念所必需的实战演练。

    标签: Absolute

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • labview入门教程

    虚拟仪器(virtual instrumention)是基于计算机的仪器。计算机和仪器的密切结合是目前仪器发展的一个重要方向。粗略地说这种结合有两种方式,一种是将计算机装入仪器,其典型的例子就是所谓智能化的仪器。随着计算机功能的日益强大以及其体积的日趋缩小,这类仪器功能也越来越强大,目前已经出现含嵌入式系统的仪器。另一种方式是将仪器装入计算机。以通用的计算机硬件及操作系统为依托,实现各种仪器功能。虚拟仪器主要是指这种方式。下面的框图反映了常见的虚拟仪器方案。                 虚拟仪器的主要特点有: n         尽可能采用了通用的硬件,各种仪器的差异主要是软件。 n         可充分发挥计算机的能力,有强大的数据处理功能,可以创造出功能更强的仪器。 n         用户可以根据自己的需要定义和制造各种仪器。 虚拟仪器实际上是一个按照仪器需求组织的数据采集系统。虚拟仪器的研究中涉及的基础理论主要有计算机数据采集和数字信号处理。目前在这一领域内,使用较为广泛的计算机语言是美国NI公司的labview。 虚拟仪器的起源可以追朔到20世纪70年代,那时计算机测控系统在国防、航天等领域已经有了相当的发展。PC机出现以后,仪器级的计算机化成为可能,甚至在Microsoft公司的Windows诞生之前,NI公司已经在Macintosh计算机上推出了labview2.0以前的版本。对虚拟仪器和labview长期、系统、有效的研究开发使得该公司成为业界公认的权威。 普通的PC有一些不可避免的弱点。用它构建的虚拟仪器或计算机测试系统性能不可能太高。目前作为计算机化仪器的一个重要发展方向是制定了VXI标准,这是一种插卡式的仪器。每一种仪器是一个插卡,为了保证仪器的性能,又采用了较多的硬件,但这些卡式仪器本身都没有面板,其面板仍然用虚拟的方式在计算机屏幕上出现。这些卡插入标准的VXI机箱,再与计算机相连,就组成了一个测试系统。VXI仪器价格昂贵,目前又推出了一种较为便宜的PXI标准仪器。 虚拟仪器研究的另一个问题是各种标准仪器的互连及与计算机的连接。目前使用较多的是IEEE 488或GPIB协议。未来的仪器也应当是网络化的。

    标签: labview 入门教程

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • C语言函数大全(语法着色版)

        C语言函数大全,已包含绝大部分的函数。每个函数包含函数名,功能,用法,举例,内容详尽。希望对大家有所帮助~~   函数名: abort   功 能: 异常终止一个进程   用 法: void abort(void);   程序例:   #include   #include   int main(void)   {   printf("Calling abort()\n");   abort();   return 0; /* This is never reached */   }   函数名: abs   功 能: 求整数的绝对值   用 法: int abs(int i);   程序例:   #include   #include   int main(void)   {   int number = -1234;   printf("number: %d Absolute value: %d\n", number, abs(number));   return 0;   }

    标签: C语言 函数

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • 高精度温度测量铂电阻温度探测器(PRTDs)和​​ADC

    Abstract: Many modern industrial, medical, and commercial applications require temperature measurements in the extended temperature rangewith accuracies of ±0.3°C or better, performed with reasonable cost and often with low power consumption. This article explains how platinumresistance temperature detectors (PRTDs) can perform measurements over wide temperature ranges of -200°C to +850°C, with Absolute accuracyand repeatability better than ±0.3°C, when used with modern processors capable of resolving nonlinear mathematical equation quickly and costeffectively. This article is the second installment of a series on PRTDs. For the first installment, please read application note 4875, "High-Accuracy Temperature Measurements Call for Platinum Resistance Temperature Detectors (PRTDs) and Precision Delta-Sigma ADCs."

    标签: PRTDs ADC 高精度 温度测量

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • This application report describes the use of Timer_A3 to decode RC5 and SIRC TV IR remote control si

    This application report describes the use of Timer_A3 to decode RC5 and SIRC TV IR remote control signals. The decoder described in this report is interrupt-driven and operates a background function using specific features the Timer_A3. Only a small portion of the MSP430 CPU?s nonreal-time resources is used. Specific hardware bit-latching capabilities of the Timer_A3 module are used for real-time decoding of the IR data signal, independent and asynchronous to the CPU. CPU activity and power consumption are kept to an Absolute minimum level. The Timer_A3 decoder implementation also allows other tasks to occur simultaneously if required. The solutions provided are written specifically for MSP430x11x(1) and MSP430x12x derivatives, but can be adapted to any other MSP430 incorporating Timer_A3. 電視遙控器設計基於MSP430

    标签: application describes Timer_A control

    上传时间: 2013-12-31
