

  • 附有本人超级详细解释(看不懂的面壁十天!) 一、 实际问题: 希尔排序(Shell Sort)是插入排序的一种。因D.L.Shell于1959年提出而得名。它又称“缩小增量分类法”

    附有本人超级详细解释(看不懂的面壁十天!) 一、 实际问题: 希尔排序(Shell Sort)是插入排序的一种。因D.L.Shell于1959年提出而得名。它又称“缩小增量分类法”,在时间效率上比插入、比较、冒泡等排序算法有了较大改进。能对无序序列按一定规律进行排序。 二、数学模型: 先取一个小于n的整数d1作为第一个增量,把文件的全部记录分成d1个组。所有距离为dl的倍数的记录放在同一个组中。先在各组内进行直接插人排序;然后,取第二个增量d2<d1重复上述的分组和排序,直至所取的增量dt=1(dt<dt-l<…<d2<d1),即所有记录放在同一组中进行直接插入排序为止。该方法实质上是一种分组插入方法。 三、算法设计: 1、将相隔某个增量dlta[k]的元素构成一个子序列。在排序过程中,逐次减小这个增量,最后当h减到1时,进行一次插入排序,排序就完成。增量序列一般采用:dlta[k]=2t-k+1-1,其中t为排序趟数,1≤k≤t≤[log2 (n+1)],其中n为待排序序列的长度。按增量序列dlta[0..t-1]。 2、按增量dlta[k](1≤k≤t≤[log2 (n+1)])进行一趟希尔插入排序。 3、在主函数中控制程序执行流程。 4、时间复杂度:1≤k≤t≤[log2 (n+1)]时为O(n3/2)。

    标签: Shell 1959 Sort 排序

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • 《食物的往事追忆》[李玉莹][广西师大版.2003][PDF]


    标签: 2003

    上传时间: 2013-05-20


  • cordic methods describe essentially the same algorithm that with suitably chosen inputs can be used

    cordic methods describe essentially the same algorithm that with suitably chosen inputs can be used to calculate a whole range of scientific functions including sin, cos, tan, arctan, arcsin, arccos, sinh, cosh, tanh, arctanh, log, exp, square root and even multiply and divide. the method dates back to volder [1959], and due to its versatility and compactness, it made possible the microcoding of the hp35 pocket scientific calculator in 1972. here is some code to illustrate the techniques. ive split the methods into three parts linear, circular and hyperbolic. in the hp35 microcode these would be unified into one function (for space reasons). because the linear mode can perform multiply and divide, you only need add/subtract and shift to complete the implementation. you can select in the code whether to do the multiples and divides also by cordic means. other multiplies and divides are all powers of 2 (these dont count). to eliminate these too, would involve ieee hackery.

    标签: essentially algorithm describe suitably

    上传时间: 2017-03-02


  • High+Performance+RF+MEMS

    Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are miniature systems composed ofintegratedelectricalandmechanicalpartstosenseand/orcontrolthingsonaµmscale. The concept of MEMS is attributed to Richard Feynman’s famous talk on December 29th, 1959 [2,3]. Dr. Feynman foresaw many aspects of future MEMS development with his insight in microphysics. In particular, material properties in the µm scale are differentfrombulkpropertiesandthescalingdownofintegratedcircuits(IC)fabrication technology has been a major driving force of MEMS development.

    标签: Performance High MEMS RF

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • calculo analog computer 微积分模拟计算机套件的实验资料


    标签: 模拟计算机

    上传时间: 2022-01-03


  • 自制微积分模拟计算机1959


    标签: 微积分

    上传时间: 2022-01-05
