

  • Besides enhanced looks and advanced features, one of the best things about Swing is its pluggable lo

    Besides enhanced looks and advanced features, one of the best things about Swing is its pluggable look and feel (PLAF). PLAF architecture allows seamless changes in the appearance of an application and the way an application interacts with the user. However, designing and developing a PLAF is much more exhaustive and complex. On the other hand, themes provide a simple alternative to change look and feel of the swing application. themes are easier to implement and they enhance the visual appeal of the application UI using the default Java look and feel. Theme mechanism allows a developer to easily specify the default colors, fonts and icons used by the look and feel (L&F). It allows developers to write their own themes giving them a choice to show their application GUI the way they want it, rather than depending on the defaults provided by the system.

    标签: pluggable enhanced advanced features

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • gooseeker爬虫工具

    垂直搜索(Vertical Search):也称为专业搜索,高速、海量和精确抓取是定题网络爬虫DataScraper的强项,每天24小时每周7天无人值守自主调度的周期性批量采集,加上断点续传和软件看门狗(Watch Dog),确保您高枕无忧 移动互联网:手机搜索、手机混搭(mashup)、移动社交网络、移动电子商务都离不开结构化的数据内容,DataScraper实时高效地采集内容,输出富含语义元数据的XML格式的抓取结果文件,确保自动化的数据集成和加工,跨越小尺寸屏幕展现和高精准信息检索的障碍。手机互联网不是Web的子集而是全部,由MetaSeeker架设桥梁 企业竞争情报采集/数据挖掘:俗称商业智能(Business Intelligence),噪音信息滤除、结构化转换,确保数据的准确性和时效性,独有的广域分布式架构,赋予DataScraper无与伦比的情报采集渗透能力,AJAX/Javascript动态页面、服务器动态网页、静态页面、各种鉴权认证机制,一视同仁。在微博网站数据采集和舆情监测领域远远领先其它产品。

    标签: 爬虫工具

    上传时间: 2015-03-21


  • New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications

    European Research Framework programs are public policy instruments designed to strengthen European competitiveness through cooperation. Although they have a fixed time frame, determined research themes, and a specific expected impact, the achievements in research and development (R&D) made by these funded proj- ects pave the way for a research continuum.

    标签: Communications Horizons Wireless Mobile New and in

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless

    European Research Framework Programs are a public policy instrument to strengthen European competitiveness through cooperation. Although they have a fixed timeframe, determined research themes, and specific expected impact, the achievements in research and development (R&D) made by the funded projects pave the way for a research continuum.

    标签: New Horizons Mobile Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-05-30
