

  • 基于RSS的新闻阅读器 什么是RSS?比较普遍的说法有两种

    基于RSS的新闻阅读器 什么是RSS?比较普遍的说法有两种,一种是“Rich Site Summary”或“RDF Site Summary”,另一种是“really Simple Syndication”,中文分别称作“丰富站点摘要”,“RDF站点摘要”和“简易信息聚合”。RSS是某一站点用来和其它站点之间共享和同步信息内容的一种简易方式。网络用户只要使用支持RSS的新闻聚合工具软件,就能在不打开某个网站页面的情况下阅读支持RSS输出的网站内容,并可以方便地实现对某类信息的全程跟踪、即时更新以及网上搜索。在不远的将来,RSS作为一种全新的资讯传播方式,势必对互联网上的信息接收与发布、新闻出版、电子商务、互动交流等领域产生难以估量的影响。 ++++++外文

    标签: RSS 新闻 阅读器 比较

    上传时间: 2013-12-03


  • This forced me to write about more interesting and comprehensive sorting methods, the result of whic

    This forced me to write about more interesting and comprehensive sorting methods, the result of which is this one. Through this writing I have tried to give in-depth coverage of the entire sort algorithm I hope Peter wouldn t mind reading it. This article assumes that you really don t know about the iterations, looping, and so forth hence, it explains these in detail first.

    标签: comprehensive interesting methods sorting

    上传时间: 2016-01-10


  • 图像处理

    图像处理,利用bilt 函数 Description: This example shows how to edit (cut,paste,copy) a selection of a bitmap using BitBlt function just like Microsoft Photo Editor does. It s really EASY! Take a look to the sample if you don t believe me and don t forget to VOTE FOR ME! Note: comments are in italian...i hadn t enough time to translate them all. Sorry..(VOTE!)

    标签: 图像处理

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • ASP开发指南,里面的西很不错的哟.This book is for anyone who wants to learn about using .NET for web interface desi

    ASP开发指南,里面的西很不错的哟.This book is for anyone who wants to learn about using .NET for web interface design. Beginner or hobbyist .NET developers can certainly get a good foundation of .NET web interface design by going through this book from cover to cover. However, more seasoned .NET professionals, especially if they tend to steer away from the GUI of their projects, can also pick up a thing or two by focusing on certain chapters that appeal to them. This book is meant to take a reader from the beginning of a project to the completion of the interface design. Along the way, concepts are illustrated to show how the different pieces play together. So, anyone who really wants to understand the concepts presented in this book will be able to do so by reading the entire thing. However, this book should also serve as a good reference after you have read it or, in some cases, in place of reading it.

    标签: for interface anyone about

    上传时间: 2016-02-16


  • /* * The internal form of a hash table. * * The table is an array indexed by the hash of the k

    /* * The internal form of a hash table. * * The table is an array indexed by the hash of the key collisions * are resolved by hanging a linked list of hash entries off each * element of the array. Although this is a really simple design it * isn t too bad given that pools have a low allocation overhead. */ split from apache for general usage

    标签: table hash The the

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • MATLAB的SVM算法实现

    MATLAB的SVM算法实现,Matlab Support Vector Machine Toolbox,This toolbox was designed as a teaching aid, which matlab is particularly good for since source code is relatively legible and simple to modify. However, it is still reasonably fast if used with the supplied optimiser. However, if you really want to speed things up you should consider compiling the matrix composition routine for H into a mex function. Then again if you really want to speed things up you probably shouldn t be using matlab anyway... Get hold of a dedicated C program once you understand the algorithm.

    标签: MATLAB SVM 算法

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • 版本更新了一下

    版本更新了一下,到5.84了,需要用VS.net平台进行编译运行,介绍与原来的一样! 磁盘文件的安全删除,我们通常所执行的删除操作并不是真正的删除只是清除了文件的fat表内容,文件数据还在磁盘上,可以恢复,所以不安全。-disk deletion of the security document, we usually enforced by the delete operation does not really delete the file will simply remove the fat table of contents, document data on the disk is, can be restored, therefore unsafe.

    标签: 版本 更新

    上传时间: 2016-11-05


  • In this book, you will learn about what drives the Linux development process. You will discover the

    In this book, you will learn about what drives the Linux development process. You will discover the wide variety of tools commonly used by Linux developers – compilers, debuggers, Software Configuration Management – and how those tools are used to build application software, tools, utilities and even the Linux kernel itself. You will learn about the unique components of a Linux system that really set it apart from other UNIX-like systems, and you will delve into the inner workings of the system in order to better understand your role as one of a budding new generation of Linux developers.

    标签: will development the discover

    上传时间: 2016-11-18


  • This toolbox was designed as a teaching aid, which matlab is particularly good for since source cod

    This toolbox was designed as a teaching aid, which matlab is particularly good for since source code is relatively legible and simple to modify. However, it is still reasonably fast if used with the supplied optimiser. However, if you really want to speed things up you should consider compiling the matrix composition routine for H into a mex function. Then again if you really want to speed things up you probably shouldn t be using matlab anyway... Get hold of a dedicated C program once you understand the algorithm.

    标签: particularly designed teaching toolbox

    上传时间: 2016-11-24


  • Family Tree This a geneology program for entering your family tree. It s a complete working app but

    Family Tree This a geneology program for entering your family tree. It s a complete working app but has no reports within it. You can add pictures and name the individuals in the pictures using a really cool frame and name technique. You can also add census information and lots more.

    标签: geneology entering complete program

    上传时间: 2016-12-16
