

  • CA readings list! 计算机体系结构经典50篇论文!

    CA readings list! 计算机体系结构经典50篇论文!

    标签: readings list CA 计算机体系结构

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • For SunSPOT - Demonstrates how to get temperature sensor readings and display on using LED color/int

    For SunSPOT - Demonstrates how to get temperature sensor readings and display on using LED color/intensity

    标签: Demonstrates temperature readings SunSPOT

    上传时间: 2014-02-17


  • LaunchPad_Temp_GUI.zip

    Ti LaunchPad_Temp_GUI for your reference Select COM port that LaunchPad is connected to * receive serial communication from LaunchPad for * instantaneous temperature readings.

    标签: LaunchPad_Temp_GUI zip

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • Microchip PIC系列单片机RS232通讯应用

    Digitemp Junior – An RS-232 Port-Powered Digital Thermometer Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure and report ambient temperature. When connected to an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius. These temperature readings can be monitored with any terminal program. If the terminal program supports capture to disk, the temperature readings can be saved to disk for further analysis with a spreadsheet program or other data analysis tool. The simple ASCII output format of Digitemp Jr. makes it rel- atively easy to write custom software for receiving, recording, and analyzing ambient temperature data. Best of all, Digitemp Jr. requires no external power sup- plies or batteries. It is powered directly by the RS-232 port.

    标签: Microchip 232 PIC RS

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • PIC单片机的RS232通讯程序

    Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure and report ambient temperature. When connected to an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius. These temperature readings can be monitored with any terminal program. If the terminal program supports capture to disk, the temperature readings can be saved to disk for further analysis with a spreadsheet program or other data analysis tool. The simple ASCII output format of Digitemp Jr. makes it relatively easy to write custom software for receiving, recording, and analyzing ambient temperature data. Best of all, Digitemp Jr. requires no external power supplies or batteries. It is powered directly by the RS-232 port.  

    标签: PIC 232 RS 单片机

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 回路电源式显示电表(无电源式)

    特点 精确度0.05%满刻度 ±1位数 显示范围-19999-99999可任意规划 可直接量測直流4至20mA電流,無需另接輔助電源 尺寸小(24x48x50mm),穩定性高 分离式端子,配线容易 CE 认证 主要規格 辅助电源: None 精确度: 0.05% F.S. ±1 digit(DC) 输入抗阻: approx. 250 ohm with 20mA input 输入电压降: max. DC5V with 20mA input 最大过载能力: < ±50mA 取样时间: 2.5 cycles/sec. 显示值范围: -19999 - 99999 digit adjustable 归零调整范围: -999-999 digit adjustable 最大值调整范围: -999-999 digit adjustable 过载显示: " doFL " or "-doFL" 极性显示: " 一 " for negative readings 显示幕 : Brigh Red LEDs high 8.6mm(.338") 温度系数 : 50ppm/℃ (0-50℃) 参数设定方式: Touch switches 记忆型式: Non-volatile E2 外壳材料: ABS 绝缘耐压能力: 2KVac/1 min. (input/case) 使用环境条件: 0-50℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: 0-70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 外型尺寸: 24x48x50mm CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001

    标签: 回路电源 电表 无电源

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • 5位数LCD型显示表(无电源式)

    特点 精确度0.1%满刻度 ±1位数 显示范围-19999-99999可任意规划 可直接量测直流电流/直流电压,无需另接辅助电源 尺寸小(24x48x50mm),稳定性高 分离式端子,配线容易 CE 认证 2.主要規格 辅助电源: None 精确度: 0.1% F.S. ±1 digit(1-100%F.S.) 输入抗阻 : >100Mohm(<2V range) >2Mohm(<2Vrange) < 0.25VA(current ranges) < 1000Vrms(>54V ranges) 最大过载能力: < 150Vrms(<54V ranges)

    标签: LCD 无电源

    上传时间: 2013-10-07
