

  • Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or i

    Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppels or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS.” Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. “WiMAX,” “Mobile WiMAX,” “WiMAX Forum,” “WiMAX Forum Certified” and the WiMAX Forum and WiMAX Forum Certified logo are trademarks of the WiMAX

    标签: Information connection document provided

    上传时间: 2017-08-24


  • /* * tesswind.c * This program demonstrates the winding rule polygon * tessellation proper

    /* * tesswind.c * This program demonstrates the winding rule polygon * tessellation property. Four tessellated objects are drawn, * each with very different contours. When the w key is pressed, * the objects are drawn with a different winding rule. */

    标签: demonstrates tessellation tesswind program

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • Stanford的SRB实验室Quantitative Seismic Interpretation的免费MATLAB程序

    Stanford的SRB实验室Quantitative Seismic Interpretation的免费MATLAB程序,可以计算AVO response, rock property, Gassmann s equation, fluid property, Elastic impedance等,非常实用和方便

    标签: Interpretation Quantitative Stanford Seismic

    上传时间: 2017-09-07


  • Delphi 泛型容器 TDictionary 的用法 Demo

    Collection of key-value pairs.  TDictionary represents a generic collection of key-value pairs.  This class provides a mapping from a collection of keys to a collection of values. When you create a TDictionary object, you can specify various combinations of initial capacity, equality operation, and initial content.  You can add a key that is associated with a corresponding value with the Add or AddOrSetValue methods. You can remove entries with Remove or Clear, which removes all key-value pairs. Adding or removing a key-value pair and looking up a key are efficient, close to O(1), because keys are hashed. A key must not be nil (though a value may be nil) and there must be an equality comparison operation for keys.  You can test for the presence or keys and values with the TryGetValue, ContainsKey and ContainsValue methods.  The Items property lists all Count dictionary entries. You can also set and get values by indexing the Items property. Setting the value this way overwrites any existing value.  The class TObjectDictionary inherits from TDictionary and provides an automatic mechanism for freeing objects removed from dictionary entries. 

    标签: Delphi 泛型

    上传时间: 2015-07-01


  • SpringMVC设计

       springMVC有三个映射器,如果不定义映射Mapping,那么就会使默认: l   <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping"></bean> 也就是说:上面这个定义和不定义都是一样的。 不定义: <bean id="testController" name="/hello.do" class="cn.itcast.controller.TestController"></bean> 直接使用:hello.do来访问。 <!-- 简单的url映射处理器 --> l   <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">                    <property name="mappings">                             <props>          那么上面的这个映射配置:表示多个*.do文件可以访问多个Controller或者一个Controller。          前提是:都必须依赖:          <bean id="testController" name="/hello.do" class="cn.itcast.controller.TestController"></bean>          <!-- /WEB-INF/jsp/index.jsp -->          <bean class="org.springframework.web.servl                                      <prop key="/hello1.do">testController</prop>                                      <prop key="/a.do">testController</prop>                             </props>                    </property> </bean> et.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">                    <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"></property>                    <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"></property>          </bean>

    标签: SpringMVC

    上传时间: 2016-06-03


  • Interconnected+Networks

    Complex networks are powerful allies of our quest to tackle complexity in all of science. Many lines can be written about the benefits of using networks to study complex systems. Nevertheless, if I had to name their single most appealing property,Iwouldsaysimplicity.Onecanmaptheinteractingelementsofanysystem to a set of nodes, and connect these nodes with a set of links according to their interactions. 

    标签: Interconnected Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • 国产codec x-power AC101 用户指南

    This documentation is the original work and copyrighted property of X-Powers. Reproduction in whole orin part must obtain the written approval of X-Powers and give clear acknowledgement to the copyrightowner.

    标签: AC101

    上传时间: 2022-06-28


  • 小甲鱼 "零基础入门学习Python" 视频课程,97讲完整版

    000愉快的开始.mp4 33.6M2019-12-17 16:09 001我和Python的第一次亲密接触.mp4 29.4M2019-12-17 16:05 002用Python设计第一个游戏.mp4 51.3M2019-12-17 16:05 003小插曲之变量和字符串.mp4 90.9M2019-12-17 16:05 004改进我们的小游戏.mp4 115.9M2019-12-17 16:05 005闲聊之Python的数据类型.mp4 31.1M2019-12-17 16:05 006Pyhon之常用操作符.mp4 26.1M2019-12-17 16:05 007了不起的分支和循环.mp4 30.6M2019-12-17 16:05 008了不起的分支和循环2.mp4 23.3M2019-12-17 16:05 009了不起的分支和循环3.mp4 23.5M2019-12-17 16:05 010列表:一个打了激素的数组.mp4 23.2M2019-12-17 16:05 011列表:一个打了激素的数组2.mp4 22.1M2019-12-17 16:05 012列表:一个打了激素的数组3.mp4 36.2M2019-12-17 16:05 013元组:戴上了枷锁的列表.mp4 54.2M2019-12-17 16:05 014字符串:各种奇葩的内置方法.mp4 142.5M2019-12-17 16:05 015字符串:格式化.mp4 115.1M2019-12-17 16:05 016序列!序列!.mp4 81.1M2019-12-17 16:05 017函数:Python的乐高积木.mp4 25M2019-12-17 16:05 018函数:灵活即强大.mp4 33.7M2019-12-17 16:05 019函数:我的地盘听我的.mp4 33.1M2019-12-17 16:05 020函数:内嵌函数和闭包.mp4 35.5M2019-12-17 16:05 021函数:lambda表达式.mp4 28.9M2019-12-17 16:05 022函数:递归是神马.mp4 48.3M2019-12-17 16:05 023递归:这帮小兔崽子.mp4 39.5M2019-12-17 16:05 024递归:汉诺塔.mp4 28.8M2019-12-17 16:05 025字典:当索引不好用时.mp4 41.4M2019-12-17 16:05 026字典:当索引不好用时2.mp4 34.4M2019-12-17 16:05 027集合:在我的世界里,你就是唯一.mp4 19.4M2019-12-17 16:05 028文件:因为懂你,所以永恒.mp4 55.5M2019-12-17 16:05 029文件:一个任务.mp4 41.8M2019-12-17 16:05 030文件系统:介绍一个高大上的东西.mp4 80.3M2019-12-17 16:05 031永久存储:腌制一缸美味的泡菜.mp4 39.9M2019-12-17 16:05 032异常处理:你不可能总是对的.mp4 49M2019-12-17 16:05 033异常处理:你不可能总是对的2.mp4 34.9M2019-12-17 16:05 034丰富的else语句及简洁的with语句.mp4 24M2019-12-17 16:05 035图形用户界面入门:EasyGui.mp4 73.5M2019-12-17 16:05 036类和对象:给大家介绍对象.mp4 30.2M2019-12-17 16:05 037类和对象:面向对象编程.mp4 28.8M2019-12-17 16:05 038类和对象:继承.mp4 42.2M2019-12-17 16:05 039类和对象:拾遗.mp4 41.8M2019-12-17 16:05 040类和对象:一些相关的BIF.mp4 32.8M2019-12-17 16:05 041魔法方法:构造和析构.mp4 26.8M2019-12-17 16:05 042魔法方法:算术运算.mp4 30M2019-12-17 16:05 043魔法方法:算术运算2.mp4 31.8M2019-12-17 16:05 044魔法方法:简单定制.mp4 78.9M2019-12-17 16:05 045魔法方法:属性访问.mp4 42.9M2019-12-17 16:05 046魔法方法:描述符(property的原理).mp4 42.4M2019-12-17 16:05 047魔法方法:定制序列.mp4 23M2019-12-17 16:05 048魔法方法:迭代器.mp4 32.9M2019-12-17 16:05 049乱入:生成器.mp4 33.3M2019-12-17 16:05 050模块:模块就是程序.mp4 25.6M2019-12-17 16:05 051模块:__name__='__main__'、搜索路径和包.mp4 29.6M2019-12-17 16:05 052模块:像个极客一样去思考.mp4 63M2019-12-17 16:05 053论一只爬虫的自我修养.mp4 48.1M2019-12-17 16:05 054论一只爬虫的自我修养2:实战.mp4 71.6M2019-12-17 16:05 055论一只爬虫的自我修养3:隐藏.mp4 54.8M2019-12-17 16:05 056轮一只爬虫的自我修养4:OOXX.mp4 94M2019-12-17 16:05 057论一只爬虫的自我修养5:正则表达式.mp4 58.6M2019-12-17 16:05 058论一只爬虫的自我修养6:正则表达式2.mp4 75.2M2019-12-17 16:05 059论一只爬虫的自我修养7:正则表达式3.mp4 57.2M2019-12-17 16:05 060论一只爬虫的自我修养8:正则表达式4.mp4 89.1M2019-12-17 16:05 061论一只爬虫的自我修养9:异常处理.mp4 32.1M2019-12-17 16:05 062论一只爬虫的自我修养10:安装Scrapy.mp4 58.7M2019-12-17 16:05 063论一只爬虫的自我修养11:Scrapy框架之初窥门径.mp4 156.5M2019-12-17 16:05 064GUI的终极选择:Tkinter.mp4 43.4M2019-12-17 16:05 065GUI的终极选择:Tkinter2.mp4 60.1M2019-12-17 16:05 066GUI的终极选择:Tkinter3.mp4 …………

    标签: 模具 钳工 问答

    上传时间: 2013-04-15
