

  • k-nearest neighbors classifier

    k-nearest neighbors classifier

    标签: classifier k-nearest neighbors

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • Nearest neighbors is a semi deconvolution algorithm. I m a newbie in matlab but I hope this helps so

    Nearest neighbors is a semi deconvolution algorithm. I m a newbie in matlab but I hope this helps somebody :)

    标签: deconvolution neighbors algorithm Nearest

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • K-nearest neighbors 搜索 聚类时经常使用的一种方法 国外网站转载

    K-nearest neighbors 搜索 聚类时经常使用的一种方法 国外网站转载

    标签: K-nearest neighbors 搜索 聚类

    上传时间: 2017-05-18


  • 生成BA 小世界网络java 源程序

    生成BA 小世界网络java 源程序,里面涉及到结点类RipplePeer可以另行自己实现,主要就是几个成员变量id,neighbors数组(与之连接的结点)和degree度数

    标签: java 网络 源程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • 两种解决方案 Richard just finished building his new house. Now the only thing the house misses is a cute l

    两种解决方案 Richard just finished building his new house. Now the only thing the house misses is a cute little wooden fence. He had no idea how to make a wooden fence, so he decided to order one. Somehow he got his hands on the ACME Fence Catalogue 2002, the ultimate resource on cute little wooden fences. After reading its preface he already knew, what makes a little wooden fence cute. A wooden fence consists of N wooden planks, placed vertically in a row next to each other. A fence looks cute if and only if the following conditions are met: ?The planks have different lengths, namely 1, 2, . . . , N plank length units. ?Each plank with two neighbors is either larger than each of its neighbors or smaller than each of them. (Note that this makes the top of the fence alternately rise and fall.)

    标签: house the finished building

    上传时间: 2014-01-26


  • KNN算法的实现

    KNN算法的实现,k-nearest neighbors聚类算法的matlab 实现

    标签: KNN 算法

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • Pattern-MAC (PMAC) protocol, instead of having fixed sleepwakeups, the sleep-wakeup schedules of th

    Pattern-MAC (PMAC) protocol, instead of having fixed sleepwakeups, the sleep-wakeup schedules of the sensor nodes are adaptively determined. The schedules are decided based on a node’s own traffic and that of its neighbors.

    标签: sleepwakeups sleep-wakeup Pattern-MAC schedules

    上传时间: 2017-08-28


  • Audio+Engineering

    Sound is simply an airborne version of vibration. The air which carries sound is a mixture of gases. In gases, the molecules contain so much energy that they break free from their neighbors and rush around at high speed. As Figure 1.1(a) shows, the innumerable elastic collisions of these high-speed molecules produce pressure on the walls of any gas container. If left undisturbed in a container at a constant temperature, eventually the pressure throughout would be constant and uniform.

    标签: Engineering Audio

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • knn职业预测

    基于knn的职业预测用 KNN(k-nearst neighbors,KNN)作为机器学习算法中的一种非常基本的算法,其原理比较简单直接,被广泛应用于电影/音乐推荐等方面, KNN算法主要用于分类任务中,用于基于新样本与已有样本的距离来为其赋以所属的类别,即使用一个新样本k个近邻的信息来对该无标记的样本进行分类,k是KNN中最基本的参数,表示任意数目的近邻,在k确定后,KNN算法还依赖于一个带标注的训练集,对没有分类的测试集中的样本进行分类,KNN确定训练集中与该新样本“距离”最近的k个训练集样本,并将新样本类别判定到这k个近邻中占比最大的那个类中。

    标签: knn职业预测

    上传时间: 2020-07-08
