

  • FileEdit can edit file ,save file ,open file ,have basic simple functions for file .INSERT, BACKSPAC

    FileEdit can edit file ,save file ,open file ,have basic simple functions for file .INSERT, BACKSPACE ,TAB,PGUP,PGDOWN,UP,DOWN,left,RIGHT AND SO ON

    标签: file functions FileEdit BACKSPAC

    上传时间: 2017-01-02


  • void Knight(int i , int j) { // printf("%d %dn",i,j) if (board[i][j] != 0 || i < 0 || i >=

    void Knight(int i , int j) { // printf("%d %dn",i,j) if (board[i][j] != 0 || i < 0 || i >= Size || j < 0 || j >= Size ) { return } step++ board[i][j]=step if (step == Size*Size) { showboard() system("PAUSE") return } //DFS Knight(i-2,j-1) //left Knight(i-2,j+1) Knight(i+2,j-1) //right Knight(i+2,j+1) Knight(i-1,j-2) //up Knight(i+1,j-2) Knight(i+1,j+2) //down Knight(i-1,j+2) // board[i][j]=0 step-- }

    标签: int Knight printf board

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • Input : A set S of planar points Output : A convex hull for S Step 1: If S contains no more than f

    Input : A set S of planar points Output : A convex hull for S Step 1: If S contains no more than five points, use exhaustive searching to find the convex hull and return. Step 2: Find a median line perpendicular to the X-axis which divides S into SL and SR SL lies to the left of SR . Step 3: Recursively construct convex hulls for SL and SR. Denote these convex hulls by Hull(SL) and Hull(SR) respectively. Step 4: Apply the merging procedure to merge Hull(SL) and Hull(SR) together to form a convex hull. Time complexity: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) = O(n log n)

    标签: contains Output convex planar

    上传时间: 2017-02-18


  • A heap is a binary tree satisfying the following conditions: 􀂄 This tree is completely bal

    A heap is a binary tree satisfying the following conditions: 􀂄 This tree is completely balanced. 􀂄 If the height of this binary tree is h, then leaves can be at level h or level h-1. 􀂄 All leaves at level h are as far to the left as possible. 􀂄 The data associated with all descendants of a node are smaller than the datum associated with this node.

    标签: tree conditions completely satisfying

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • JAVA多torrent下载程序P2P源码 This is a stripped down version of Manfred Duchrows Programmer s Freind class

    JAVA多torrent下载程序P2P源码 This is a stripped down version of Manfred Duchrows Programmer\ s Freind class library. No code was changed, only classes irrelevant for Azureus were left out

    标签: Programmer Duchrows stripped torrent

    上传时间: 2017-03-02


  • Java企业人事管理系统源码javahr 配置Oracle数据库 在配置Oracle数据库时

    Java企业人事管理系统源码javahr 配置Oracle数据库 在配置Oracle数据库时,请参见以下步骤: (1)请确定数据库已经成功启动; (2)请确认已经存在名称为“PERSONNEL_MANAGE”的用户,如果不存在,请先创建。 (3)将光盘\\TM\\03\\Database\\文件夹中的personnel_manage.dmp文件拷贝到C盘的根目录下; (4)依次单击“开始”→“运行”,在弹出的窗口文本框中输入“cmd”命令,然后单击“确定”按钮,打开DOS命令窗口; (5)在DOS命令窗口输入如下代码: imp PERSONNEL_MANAGE/MWQ@DBSQL file=C:\\personnel_manage.dmp fromuser=PERSONNEL_MANAGE ignore=y commit=y grants=y (6)单击回车键,即可成功导入Oracle数据库了。 说明:第一个“PERSONNEL_MANAGE”为登录数据库的用户名,第二个“MWQ”为登录数据库的密码,“DBSQL”为欲登录的数据库名称。 library. No code was changed, only classes irrelevant for Azureus were left out.

    标签: Oracle javahr Java 数据库

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • An interactive water fountain. A realistic water source in your pocket with full control. Contro

    An interactive water fountain. A realistic water source in your pocket with full control. Controls: UP/DOWN - go closer/further left/RIGHT - rotate # - stop rotation 1/7 - rotate camera up/down 3/9 - change water pressure 4/6 - change water rendering complexity 2/8 - ascend/descend 0 - bullet time 5 - 25 FPS limiter on/off * - HUD on/off

    标签: water interactive realistic fountain

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • HashTable实例 public class HashTable_msg { public HashTable_msg() { String sum_sql="select

    HashTable实例 public class HashTable_msg { public HashTable_msg() { String sum_sql="select mobilenum,count(*) from SJSJ_Msg where (left(in_date,6)=(select left(CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 112 ),6)))group by mobilenum" Hashtable<String,Integer> ht = new Hashtable<String,Integer>() try{ ResultSet rs= DBAccess.getInstance().select(sum_sql) while(rs!=null) { ht.put(rs.getString(1),rs.getInt(2)) rs.next() } } catch (Exception e) { Logs.printError(e) } } }

    标签: HashTable_msg public HashTable sum_sql

    上传时间: 2014-12-07


  • Heapsort 1.A heap is a binary tree satisfying the followingconditions: -This tree is completely ba

    Heapsort 1.A heap is a binary tree satisfying the followingconditions: -This tree is completely balanced. -If the height of this binary tree is h, then leaves can be at level h or level h-1. -All leaves at level h are as far to the left as possible. -The data associated with all descendants of a node are smaller than the datum associated with this node. Implementation 1.using a linear array not a binary tree. -The sons of A(h) are A(2h) and A(2h+1). 2.time complexity: O(n log n)

    标签: followingconditions tree completely satisfying

    上传时间: 2017-05-24


  • 迷宫探险算法

    迷宫探险算法,一个CPP文件实现。在TC下编译生成。生成的程序是dos exe。left/UP/RIGHT/DOWN 在迷宫中向左、上、右、下走一步。走过的路线显示为黄色,回头路显示为红色。

    标签: 迷宫 算法

    上传时间: 2017-06-09
