

  • Virtual process week in the experimental vehicle build at BMW AG

    Virtual process week in the experimental vehicle build at BMW AG

    标签: experimental Virtual process vehicle

    上传时间: 2014-09-05


  • A Study of Recent Research Trends and experimental Guidelines in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

    A Study of Recent Research Trends and experimental Guidelines in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

    标签: experimental Guidelines Networks Research

    上传时间: 2014-01-07


  • It is an experimental testing for python M2Crypto module. M2Crypto is not well document. User may no

    It is an experimental testing for python M2Crypto module. M2Crypto is not well document. User may not know how to use SHA256 when signing and verify with RSA. It also have not enough document to show how to use DES to encrypt and decrypt. Here also includes source codes for performance evaluation of the algorithms. This experimental program explore all this issue and may be helpful for some one who using python for doing encryption with RSA and DES.

    标签: M2Crypto experimental document testing

    上传时间: 2016-08-08


  • Recent advances in experimental methods have resulted in the generation of enormous volumes of data

    Recent advances in experimental methods have resulted in the generation of enormous volumes of data across the life sciences. Hence clustering and classification techniques that were once predominantly the domain of ecologists are now being used more widely. This book provides an overview of these important data analysis methods, from long-established statistical methods to more recent machine learning techniques. It aims to provide a framework that will enable the reader to recognise the assumptions and constraints that are implicit in all such techniques. Important generic issues are discussed first and then the major families of algorithms are described. Throughout the focus is on explanation and understanding and readers are directed to other resources that provide additional mathematical rigour when it is required. Examples taken from across the whole of biology, including bioinformatics, are provided throughout the book to illustrate the key concepts and each technique’s potential.

    标签: experimental generation advances enormous

    上传时间: 2016-10-23


  • 2410/vxworks/tornado下的基本实验包括 serial,ramdrv,interrupt,multi-FTP,TCP,UDP-Under the basic experimental

    2410/vxworks/tornado下的基本实验包括 serial,ramdrv,interrupt,multi-FTP,TCP,UDP-Under the basic experimental 2410/vxworks/tornado including serial, ramdrv, interrupt, multi-tasking, FTP, TCP, UDP

    标签: experimental interrupt UDP-Under multi-FTP

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • 基于8098单片机的SPWM变频调速系统

      数字控制的交流调速系统所选用的微处理器、功率器件及产生PWM波的方法是影响交流调速系统性能好坏的直接因素。在介绍了正弦脉宽调制(SPWM)技术的基础上,设计了一种以8098单片机作为控制器,以智能功率模块IPM为开关器件的变频调速系统。通过软件编程,产生正弦脉冲宽度调制波形来控制绝缘栅双极晶体管的导通和关断,从而达到控制异步电动机转速的目的。实验结果表明,该系统可调频率调电压,稳定度高,调速范围宽,具有较强的实用价值   Abstract:   AC variable speed with digital control systems used microprocessors, power devices and generate PWM wave is the direct factors of affecting the performance AC speed regulation system. On the basis of introducing the sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technology,this paper designed variable speed system which used 8098 as a controller, intelligent power module IPM as switching device. Through software programming, resulting in sinusoidal pulse width modulation waveform to control the insulated gate bipolar transistor turn on and off, so as to achieve the purpose of speed control of induction motors. experimental results show that the system can adjust frequency modulation voltage, high stability, wide speed range, has a strong practical value.  

    标签: 8098 SPWM 单片机 变频调速系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 基于PIC16LF874单片机的电容测量模块

    为提高电容测量精度,针对电容式传感器的工作原理设计了基于PIC16LF874单片机电容测量模块。简单阐述了电容测量电路的应用背景和国内外研究现状,介绍了美国Microchip公司PIC16LF874单片机的特性。电容式传感器输出的动态微弱电容信号通过PS021型电容数字转换器把模拟量数据转换成数字量数据,所测数据由PIC16LF874单片机应用程序进行处理、显示和保存。实验结果表明,固定电容标称值为10~20 pF 的测量值相对误差在1%以内,同时也可知被测电容容值越大,测量值和标称值相对误差越小。 Abstract:  To improve the accuracy of capacitance measurement,aimed at the principle of work of mercury capacitance acceleration transducer,the design of micro capacitance measurement circuit is based on the key PIC16LF874 chip. Briefly discusses the application of the capacitance measuring circuit for the background and status of foreign researchers,focusing on the United States PIC16LF874 microcontroller features. Capacitive sensor outputed signal through the dynamics of weak PS021-chip capacitors (capacitancedigital converter) to convert analog data into digital data,the measured data from the PIC16LF874 microcontroller application process, display and preservation. experimental results show that the fixed capacitor 10pF ~ 20pF nominal value of the measured value of relative error is within 1%,but also it canbe seen the value of the measured capacitance larger,measuring value and the nominal value of relative error smaller.

    标签: PIC 874 16 LF

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 基于凌阳单片机的步进电机加减速的控制方法

    提出一种基于凌阳单片机的步进电机加减速的控制方法。采用凌阳科技推出的16位结构工控单片机SPMC75F2413A为控制器,由Allegro公司生产的两相步进电机专用驱动器件SLA7042M构成步进电机的驱动电路,在传统的3段直线加减速控制算法基础上增加至7段S形曲线加减速过程,控制步进电机的启动和停止。实验结果表明,该控制方法克服了直线加减速中不连续、易造成系统冲击的问题,整个系统实现柔性控制,电机启动、停止连续性能提高30%。 Abstract:  The method of controlled stepping motor is referred based on SPMC75F2413A MCU, which adopts the 16 knots SPMC75F2413A MCU as the controller. The special-purpose actuation chip SLA7042M of two stepping motor produced by Allegro Corporation constituted to actuation electric circuit. The purpose of increasing to seven section of S shape curve based on the traditional three sections of straight line is to control the start and stop process of stepping motor. The experimental results show that the control method solves easy to pull-out and overshot problems. The overall system realizes flexible control, and the performance of motor start or stop continuity is increased 30%

    标签: 凌阳单片机 步进电机 控制方法

    上传时间: 2013-12-08


  • 基于ATmega8的双轴太阳跟踪器设计

    为提高太阳能的利用率,以ATmega8单片机为控制核心,设计了一套光电跟踪与视日运动轨迹跟踪互补控制的双轴太阳跟踪器。该跟踪器在晴天时,利用光敏电阻采集光强判断太阳位置,控制步进电机实现光电跟踪;在阴天时,采集时钟器件PCF8583的时间信息,计算当前太阳位置来实现视日运动轨迹跟踪。实验表明:该太阳跟踪器能在不同天气状况下对太阳进行较准确地跟踪,能量接收效率提高了30%,达到充分利用太阳能的目的。 Abstract:  To improve the utilization rate of solar energy,a kind of solar tracking controller which effectively combined the sun angle tracking and photo electric tracking based on ATmega8is designed.In the sunny days,the solar tracking con-troller determines the sun's position by using photosensitive resistances to collect light intensity and control stepper motors to achieve photo electric tracking,n cloudy days,it collects clock chip PCF8583time information to calculate the current position of the sun and achieve the sun angle tracking.experimental results show the solar tracking controller accurately tracks the sun in different weather conditions,improves received energy efficiency by30%and reaches the purpose of full use of solar energy.

    标签: ATmega8 跟踪器

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 基于单总线式无线温度采集系统设计

    为提高温度测量效率,降低系统的成本,扩展传输距离,设计出一种新型温度采集系统。单片机通过控制具有单总线方式的温度传感器DS18B20实现对温度的测量,同时单片机通过控制具有单总线方式300~450MHz频率范围内的MAX7044与MAX7033无线发射与接收芯片实现温度数据的无线传输。与传统温度采集系统相比,该系统利用单总线方式连接,采用无线传输方式实现远距离通信,易于系统的集成与扩展。实验结果表明,该系统结构简单、方便移植,能够同时实现多达上百点温度的测量与500m范围的传输。 Abstract:  To improve the temperature measurement efficiency and reduce system cost,expansion of transmission distance,a new type of temperature acquisition system is designed.Microcontroller controlled temperature sensor DS18B20which has a single-bus achieves temperature measurement,while microcontroller by controlled the MAX7044and MAX7033chip with a single-bus and having300~450MHz radiofrequency to achieve the wireless transmission of temperature data.Compared with conventional temperature acquisition system,the system uses single-bus connected,and uses wireless transmission means to achieve long-distance communications,easy-to-system integration and expansion.The experimental results show that the system is simple,convenient transplantation,and can be implemented in as many as a hundred-point temperature measure-ment and the transmission range of500meters.

    标签: 单总线 无线温度 采集 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-29
