

  • Digital Down Converter Design based on FPGA

    Digital Down Converter Design based on FPGA.

    标签: Converter Digital Design based

    上传时间: 2013-08-13


  • fpga based jpge 压缩算法

    fpga based jpge 压缩算法,性能不错,

    标签: based fpga jpge 压缩算法

    上传时间: 2013-08-13


  • FPGA-based link layer chip S19202 configuration

    FPGA-based link layer chip S19202 configuration

    标签: configuration FPGA-based S19202 layer

    上传时间: 2013-08-18


  • Run Pac-man Game Based on 8086/8088 FPGA IP Core

    Run Pac-man Game Based on 8086/8088 FPGA IP Core

    标签: Pac-man Based Game 8086

    上传时间: 2013-08-22


  • 一篇关于CORDIC的文章A survey of CORDIC algorithms for FPGA based computers

    一篇关于CORDIC的文章A survey of CORDIC algorithms for FPGA based computers

    标签: CORDIC algorithms computers survey

    上传时间: 2013-08-30


  • something useful for communication,source code based on FPGA

    something useful for communication,source code based on FPGA

    标签: communication something useful source

    上传时间: 2013-08-31


  • On the design of an FPGA-Based OFDM modulator for IEEE 802.11a

    On the design of an FPGA-Based OFDM modulator for IEEE 802.11a

    标签: FPGA-Based modulator 802.11 design

    上传时间: 2013-09-02


  • C8051F020片上系统(SOC)单片机小系统板简介


    标签: C8051F020 SOC 片上系统 单片机

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 高速SOC单片机C8051F

    高速SOC单片机 基于半导体集成技术的突飞猛进的发展各种类型的单片机正日新月异的涌向市场为单片机技术的应用人员提供了极大的方便INTEL公司在MCS48系列的基础上推出高性能的MCS51系列八位单片机而今三十二位单片机又以其强大的片内功能提供给应用者无论是那一种位数的单片机也无论是那一种系列的单片机都为新产品的开发应用系统的研制智能控制器的研究高新技术的应用创造了极其有力的硬件环境当前可以说由于世界各生产厂家生产通用型以及衍生出的五花八门的系列及型号的单片机使其单片机技术的应用已达到了无孔不入的地步当初面向工业控制功能的单片机现已远远超出了原设计者的想像然而占全球单片机销量60%65%左右的八位单片机仍是当前应用的主流就国内应用实践而言使用单片机数量最大的是八位单片机应用范围最广的是八位单片机八位单片机仍具有时代的魅力.

    标签: C8051F SOC 单片机

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • 基于8086 CPU 的单芯片计算机系统的设计

    本文依据集成电路设计方法学,探讨了一种基于标准Intel 8086 微处理器的单芯片计算机平台的架构。研究了其与SDRAM,8255 并行接口等外围IP 的集成,并在对AMBA协议和8086 CPU分析的基础上,采用遵从AMBA传输协议的系统总线代替传统的8086 CPU三总线结构,搭建了基于8086 IP 软核的单芯片计算机系统,并实现了FPGA 功能演示。关键词:微处理器; SoC;单芯片计算机;AMBA 协议 Design of 8086 CPU Based Computer-on-a-chip System(School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Heifei University of Technology, Hefei, 230009,China)Abstract: According to the IC design methodology, this paper discusses the design of one kind of Computer-on-a-chip system architecture, which is based on the standard Intel8086 microprocessor,investigates how to integrate the 8086 CPU and peripheral IP such as, SDRAM controller, 8255 PPI etc. Based on the analysis of the standard Intel8086 microprocessor and AMBA Specification,the Computer-on-a-chip system based on 8086 CPU which uses AMBA bus instead of traditional three-bus structure of 8086 CPU is constructed, and the FPGA hardware emulation is fulfilled.Key words: Microprocessor; SoC; Computer-on-a-chip; AMBA Specification

    标签: 8086 CPU 单芯片 计算机系统

    上传时间: 2013-12-27
