

  • matlab 在信号分析处理及其应用signal and Proce

    matlab 在信号分析处理及其应用signal and Proce

    标签: matlab signal Proce and

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • Here are some short instructions for use of mod-xslt. The stylesheet is specified using the Proce

    Here are some short instructions for use of mod-xslt. The stylesheet is specified using the Processing Instruction <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="URL-OF-YOUR-STYLESHEET"?> or now new <?xslt-stylesheet agent="THE-USER-AGENT-STRING-OF-THE-BROWSER" href="URL-OF-YOUR-STYLESHEET"?> This now enables you to use different Stylesheets for different browsers. (For example Netscape & IE) (or Web & WAP for that matter)

    标签: instructions stylesheet specified mod-xslt

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • Analysis and Design with UML:Benefits of Visual Modeling History of the UML Visual Modeling with U

    Analysis and Design with UML:Benefits of Visual Modeling History of the UML Visual Modeling with UML The Rational Iterative Development Proce

    标签: Modeling Visual with UML

    上传时间: 2015-09-21


  • qrd_rls_AR_pred.m - use the QR decomposition-based RLS algorithm to predict complex-valued AR Proce

    qrd_rls_AR_pred.m - use the QR decomposition-based RLS algorithm to predict complex-valued AR Process.

    标签: decomposition-based qrd_rls_AR_pred complex-valued algorithm

    上传时间: 2015-12-27


  • presentation of Fast Variable Block Size Motion Estimation Algorithms Based on Merge and Split Proce

    presentation of Fast Variable Block Size Motion Estimation Algorithms Based on Merge and Split Procedures for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC

    标签: presentation Algorithms Estimation Variable

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • anb 版的LBM程序 This code was written to show beginners in a simple and c short way the relevant Proce

    anb 版的LBM程序 This code was written to show beginners in a simple and c short way the relevant Procedures of a lattice Boltzmann solver, c pointing on how everything works "in principle". Nearly all c Procedures could be implemented other (and better) as it is done c here, and even the algorithms used here could be changed to c save memory and increase performance. But the code works correct, c and we hope it will be good starting point for the first steps c in the lattice Boltzmann field. Good luck !

    标签: beginners relevant written simple

    上传时间: 2017-02-11


  • IEC 62056 的很有价值的参考文档

    IEC 62056 的很有价值的参考文档,包括: DLMS UA 1000-1 ed.8, Blue book, COSEM Identification System and Interface Classes DLMS UA 1000-2 ed.6, Green book, DLMS/COSEM Architecture and Protocols DLMS UA 1001-1 ed.3,Yellow book, DLMS/COSEM Conformance Testing Proce

    标签: 62056 IEC 价值 文档

    上传时间: 2017-02-17


  • A large body of computer-aided techniques has been developed in recent years to assist in the Proce

    A large body of computer-aided techniques has been developed in recent years to assist in the Process of modeling, analyzing, and designing communication systems . These computer-aided techniques fall into two categories: formula-based approaches, where the computer is used to evaluate complex formulas, and simulation-based approaches, where the computer is used to simulate the waveforms or signals that flow through the system. The second approach, which involves “waveform”-level simulation (and often incorporates analytical techniques), is the subject of this book. Since performance evaluation and trade off studies are the central issues in the analysis and design of communication systems, we will focus on the use of simulation for evaluating the performance of analog and digital communication systems with the emphasis on digitalcommunication systems.

    标签: computer-aided techniques developed assist

    上传时间: 2013-12-31


  • Telecommunication+Systems

    Intensive development of digital technologies coincided in time with the beginning of the new era in telecommunications. It made possible to formalize many Proce- dures of data exchange and to atomize some operations which made providing of serviceandmakeworkofmanytelecommunicationworkersmucheasier. Somenew telecommunication technologies were born out of the necessity for use of specific configurations of network elements and networks, as well as for a possibility of providing maximum characteristics of efficiency combined with high requirements to the stability of operation, the overcoming of different catastrophic situations and deadlockconditions,such as failuresand ”pending”of the networkandthe like. The thresholdbetweeninformationsystems andtelecommunicationsystems has become practically invisible. It resulted in such a new term as ”infocommunication”

    标签: Telecommunication+Systems

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(88)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(88)资源包含以下内容:1. 计算机并口转3路串行DA的DLL源码及电路,芯片MAX541/MAX5541,可以免费申请,8路I/O输出,5路输入,并口的简单极限应用.经使用各项性能不错,就是DA抗干扰较差,没有较大的电磁干扰运行.2. arm9上测试串口代码.3. I2C controller verilog code for altera fpga platform..4. sigma-delta ADC轉換之matlab模型.5. NiosII的Flash编程指南(www.sopc.net.cn).6. 楼宇门禁对讲机主机原理图.7. 开发环境.8. 开发环境WAVE6000.9. vb环境下用动态规划方法编的0/1背包问题.10. 该实验设计模60计数器.11. 嵌入式课程设计 页面置换算法模拟 列出缺页缺页次数和缺页率.12. DSP系列中的TMS320F2812 ADC范例程序.13. TMS320F2812 GPIO_input范例程序.14. TMS320F2812 SPI_FFDLB范例程序.15. 指令集模拟器.16. s3c44b0x的一些相关芯片资料,是官方的pdf格式,很有用.17. 大屏320240的C语言测试程序,已验证通过,请放心使用.18. 最新火热的CX32 源代码.19. 关于台湾新茂SM5964 I2C的程序.20. gps开发专用的源代码.21. Moore型状态机设计,基于VHDL.能够根据微处理器的读写周期,分别对应存储器输出写使能WE和读使能OE信号..22. 文介绍一款用AT89C51和串行ROM 制作的电子密码锁.23. 总线控制器 altera提供的FPGA源代码.24. bios嵌入DOS操作系统,可以先编译romos.asm制作成BIN文件,加载至BIOS的ISA模块.另外还有制作工具.25. wt89c51 watch dog Proce.26. 瑞萨H8系列芯片内置rom读写测试.27. Opencore提供的I2C代码.28. 译码器的逻辑功能是将已赋予特定含义的一组二进制输入代码的原意"翻译"出来,变成对应的输出高低电平信号.该程序为3-8译码器.基于VHDL,其开发环境是MAXPLUS2..29. 驱动SOLOMON的SSD182.30. 驱动三星的KS0107/KS0108.31. 驱动ULTRCHIP的UC1682.32. 是一个带PROTEUS仿真的8路数字电压表.33. SSD3的练习6的答案.快期末考试了.34. S3C2410A 的存储器控制器提供访问外部存储器所需要的存储器控制信号。 S3C2410A 的存储器控制器有以下的特性:.35. 这是一个三星44b0的中文文档.36. 这个arm7嵌入式蕊版的起动代码.37. 这个代码是用ADS1.2平台开发的一个mp3播放器。.38. 该程序能够对信号进行OFDM处理.39. 在网上看见很多人用DM413.40. 介绍了CPCI总线及快速、低功耗模数转换器件AD976的主要特点.

    标签: ADAMS View MSC 弹簧

    上传时间: 2013-06-18
