

  • Simple 2D array Demonstration - Movie Ticket Reservation

    Simple 2D array Demonstration - Movie Ticket Reservation

    标签: Demonstration Reservation Simple Ticket

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • Movie review asp code

    Movie review asp code

    标签: review Movie code asp

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • YSS915 (KP2V2) is an LSI for processing Karaoke voice signals. This LSI has an A/D converter (1 cha

    YSS915 (KP2V2) is an LSI for processing Karaoke voice signals. This LSI has an A/D converter (1 channel) for the microphone echo, and a memory for the microphone echo and key control. These features allow achieving the functions needed for the Karaoke system by using only one LSI chip. As for the microphone echoes, many other types of echoes are available in addition to ordinary ones so that YSS915 is applicable to various uses. In addition to these Karaoke programs, YSS915 is able to provide the Movie & Music programs, with which the surround effect is applied to the Movie and music sources for giving the users more enjoyment. YSS915 is pin compatible with and register compatible with YSS903 (KP2V).

    标签: processing LSI converter Karaoke

    上传时间: 2015-06-22


  • %电影动画: %1.首先调用Moviein函数对内存初始化.创建一个足够大的矩阵来容纳一系列指定的图形(帧) %2.调用getframe函数生成每一帧.该函数返回一个矢量

    %电影动画: %1.首先调用Moviein函数对内存初始化.创建一个足够大的矩阵来容纳一系列指定的图形(帧) %2.调用getframe函数生成每一帧.该函数返回一个矢量,利用这个矢量创建一个电影动画矩阵 %3.调用Movie函数按照指定速度进行指定次数的播放 %例子2:演示如何实现快速傅立叶变换(exp(j*2*pi/n))的可视化过程

    标签: getframe Moviein 函数

    上传时间: 2015-06-30


  • lorenz吸引子的画法


    标签: lorenz

    上传时间: 2014-12-02


  • 数字图像处理基础理论

    数字图像处理基础理论,英文资料Restoration and Enhancement Space Pictures (blurred, noisy, distorted) Computerized Tomography Coding Transmission – Teleconferencing Storage – Land SAT Images Pattern Recognition Blood Cell Analysis Remote Sensing Robotic Vision Computer Graphics Flight Simulation Auto Body Design Special Effect in Movie

    标签: 数字图像处理

    上传时间: 2014-06-29


  • A java application - processing which can be downloaded free from processing.org Here it uses a fre

    A java application - processing which can be downloaded free from processing.org Here it uses a free library - OpenCV - made by intel. .. to convert all the pixels in an image - in fact in a Movie - a capture from the webcam. If the color of a pixel is "higher" comparing to a threshold it turns black - otherwise it becomes white.

    标签: processing application downloaded which

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • 选择文件 X 纯手工生成的PE可执行文件

    选择文件 X 纯手工生成的PE可执行文件

    标签: 可执行文件

    上传时间: 2017-03-12


  • 《Python深度学习》2018中文版+源代码

    这是我在做大学教授期间推荐给我学生的一本书,非常好,适合入门学习。《python深度学习》由Keras之父、现任Google人工智能研究员的弗朗索瓦•肖莱(François Chollet)执笔,详尽介绍了用Python和Keras进行深度学习的探索实践,包括计算机视觉、自然语言处理、产生式模型等应用。书中包含30多个代码示例,步骤讲解详细透彻。作者在github公布了代码,代码几乎囊括了本书所有知识点。在学习完本书后,读者将具备搭建自己的深度学习环境、建立图像识别模型、生成图像和文字等能力。但是有一个小小的遗憾:代码的解释和注释是全英文的,即使英文水平较好的朋友看起来也很吃力。本人认为,这本书和代码是初学者入门深度学习及Keras最好的工具。作者在github公布了代码,本人参照书本,对全部代码做了中文解释和注释,并下载了代码所需要的一些数据集(尤其是“猫狗大战”数据集),并对其中一些图像进行了本地化,代码全部测试通过。(请按照文件顺序运行,代码前后有部分关联)。以下代码包含了全书约80%左右的知识点,代码目录:2.1: A first look at a neural network( 初识神经网络)3.5: Classifying Movie reviews(电影评论分类:二分类问题)3.6: Classifying newswires(新闻分类:多分类问题 )3.7: Predicting house prices(预测房价:回归问题)4.4: Underfitting and overfitting( 过拟合与欠拟合)5.1: Introduction to convnets(卷积神经网络简介)5.2: Using convnets with small datasets(在小型数据集上从头开始训练一个卷积网络)5.3: Using a pre-trained convnet(使用预训练的卷积神经网络)5.4: Visualizing what convnets learn(卷积神经网络的可视化)

    标签: python 深度学习

    上传时间: 2022-01-30
