

  • Funambol windows mobile plugin source code, the source code is taken from the Funambol site

    Funambol windows mobile plugin source code, the source code is taken from the Funambol site

    标签: Funambol source code the

    上传时间: 2013-12-29


  • The Funambol J2ME Mail Client aims to be a light, easy to use, free email client for J2ME devices.

    The Funambol J2ME Mail Client aims to be a light, easy to use, free email client for J2ME devices. The first release comes with a simple but effective UI, and a storage limited to the internal RMS only. This makes the application compatible with most of the phones around (minimum requirements are: MIDP2.0, CLDC 1.0, 512k of Storage). The mail synchronization using SyncML 1.2 over HTTP, thus removing any problem related to the access to IMAP or POP ports. The mail client synchonizes its address book with the one on the server, Its design is modular and can be extended in future with other mail protocols, a more sophisticated UI and access to the phone s AddressBook or filesystem for the devices allowing this. See the javadoc for more information on the structure of the library.

    标签: J2ME Funambol devices Client

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • SyncML的java实现类库 Funambol公司发布的

    SyncML的java实现类库 Funambol公司发布的

    标签: Funambol SyncML java 发布

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • Funambol window mobile客户端源代码

    Funambol window mobile客户端源代码,是一个比较好的参考方案

    标签: Funambol window mobile 源代码

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 手机与服务器通过SyncML进行同步的客户端框架以及API

    手机与服务器通过SyncML进行同步的客户端框架以及API,用户可以基于此框架快速开发j2me版本的syncML客户端。 The Funambol SyncML API allows application developers to embed SyncML capabilities in a J2ME application, thus giving it the access to a powerful data synchronization framework to keep the application data in sync with other devices.

    标签: SyncML API 手机 同步的

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • 利用SyncML开发客户端程序的中间件

    利用SyncML开发客户端程序的中间件,J2ME版本。 This library is a collection of basic utilities for: object serialization and persistence on the RMS, Logging and string manipulation. This document describes the Funambol JavaME Common API library, which purpose is giving support and providing basic functionalities to all the other components developed for the J2ME platform. These functionalities are: a persistent data storage framework, a logging framework, a framework to read different streams of byte, a thread monitoring system and a set of classes useful for data encoding and string manipulation. This library may grow in future, as new functions will be seen as common to different J2ME components.

    标签: SyncML 程序

    上传时间: 2016-03-05
