

  • The VHDL book http://www.onlinefreeebooks.net/engineering-ebooks/electrical-engineering/the-vhdl-co

    The VHDL book http://www.onlinefreeebooks.net/engineering-ebooks/electrical-engineering/the-vhdl-CookBook-pdf.html

    标签: electrical-engineering engineering-ebooks onlinefreeebooks the-vhdl-co

    上传时间: 2014-01-07


  • Python GUI Programming CookBook


    标签: Programming CookBook Python GUI

    上传时间: 2018-08-21


  • Arduino+CookBook

    This book was written by Michael Margolis with Nick Weldin to help you explore the amazing things you can do with Arduino. Arduino is a family of microcontrollers (tiny computers) and a software creation envi- ronment that makes it easy for you to create programs (called sketches) that can interact with the physical world. Things you make with Arduino can sense and respond to touch, sound, position, heat, and light. This type of technology, often referred to as physical computing, is used in all kinds of things, from the iPhone to automobile elec- tronics systems. Arduino makes it possible for anyone—even people with no program- ming or electronics experience—to use this rich and complex technology.

    标签: CookBook Arduino

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • 16本运算放大器经典书籍分享,都是耳熟能详的!

    运算放大器噪声优化手册.pdf 图解运算放大器电路-内山明治.pdf 仪表放大器应用工程师指南第2板.pdf 《你好,放大器》电子教材.pdf 集成运放应用电路设计360例.pdf 电工电子学第2版.pdf 晶体管电路设计(合)-铃木雅臣.rar 仪表放大器应用工程师指南-第3版.pdf 怎样使用运算放大器-中文版.pdf 德州仪器高性能模拟器件高校应用指南-运算放大器.pdf 模拟工程师电路设计指导手册:运算放大器.pdf OP放大电路设计.pdf Analog Engineer’s Circuit CookBook.pdf 基于运算放大器和模拟集成电路的电路设计(第3版).rar 运算放大器权威指南-中文第3版.pdf 新概念模拟电路共5部-杨建国.rar

    标签: 模具设计

    上传时间: 2013-06-08
